What if we bet on friendship to find love?

2023-08-01 12:22:56

Have you become friendzoned (that is to say, the coveted partner has told you that he wants nothing more than friendship)? It is not a fatality. On the contrary.

Finding love through friends

You thought that pacing your workplace from morning to night was the best place to meet your soul mate?! Not at all, according to a study1, 19% of married couples met through mutual friends ! If we are to believe these happy married couples, to find love it would therefore be in our interest to pamper our friendly relations, to meet the friends of our friends… and to no longer find excuses to cancel outings with friends. ! On closer inspection, the workplace retains potential since it is there that 17% of the couples surveyed met. And if, all categories combined, the friendly circle is the number one place where find lovewhen we go into the details, we see that everything also depends on age.

  • For 18-24 year olds, the friendly circle only happens in 6e position, behind the school and the high school, the workplace, the university and the higher studies, the holidays and even the family circle…
  • The 25-34 year olds have mostly found love via the internet and applications (21%), work (19%) and finally the circle of friends (15%)
  • 35-44 year olds find true love either through their circle of friends (20%) or their workplace (20%)
  • At 45 – 54 years old, it is better to favor the workplace, the circle of friends, applications and party places (bar, discotheque) to find love since this is where respectively 22%, 21%, 15% and 16% of respondents have found love.
  • As for the 55-64 year olds, they found love at a party, a bar, a nightclub (26%) or through a circle of friends (25%).

From friendship to love

While 32% of respondents say they were attracted to their partner from the first meeting, the attraction of tricks and first impressions seems to be losing ground in favor of deeper connections.

Thus, shared values ​​(84%) and self-confidence (84%), intelligence (83%) and sense of humor (81%) play a determining role in commitment to of a partner. What follows? 27% of respondents were first friends before falling in love… and getting married!

From there to say that the myth of love at first sight seems to have lived… Maybe not, but physical beauty – deemed “important” or “very important” by 36% of respondents – is relegated behind many other qualities deemed more important for a lasting relationship (i.e. shared values ​​(52%), sense of humor (50%), self-confidence (49%), intelligence (49%), similar lifestyles (45 %)) and “only” 22% of married couples in 2023 speak of love at first sight to describe their first meeting!

1. Study “The French and marriage in 2023”, carried out by faireparterie (company creating announcements) with 600 participants (men and women) from married couples, from all over France in May 2023.

#bet #friendship #find #love



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