413 Years of the Holy Christ of La Grita: A Historic Pilgrimage for the Health of Venezuela

2023-07-31 17:03:05


Táchira.- In the ccelebration of the 413 years of the Holy Christ of La Grita, A group belonging to Médicos Unidos de Venezuela (MUV) left the Mérida cathedral to ask the patron saint of Táchira for the health of all Venezuelans. On the morning of this July 31 they left, with their robes, flags and rosaries, to the Jáuregui municipality, in Táchira.

The group of doctors walked out with the intention of asking the Holy Christ of La Grita for the physical and spiritual health of Venezuela. Ricardo Escalante, from the MUV national board, explained that With this historic pilgrimage they will thank and pray for the country.

«We want to give thanks for the favors, at the same time ask for the health of the people of Venezuela; for cancer patients, those hospitalized and any family member who is with a pathology or disease,” said Escalante.

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The The first stop they will make will be at the sanctuary of José Gregorio Hernández, in Ejido, later, they will pass through El Vigía and Lagunillas. This walk will end on August 5, when they finally arrive at the sanctuary of the serene-faced Christ.

Upon arrival in Táchira, another group of doctors will be waiting to join them, led by Omar Vergel, who from La Tendida will continue the journey to Coloncito; there will be the director of MUV Táchira, Hilda Castro. Josefa Zambrano will be waiting in Seboruco and Carmen Zambrano in La Grita, where she will welcome them.

In the 233 kilometers of route They hope to enter all the churches along the way, to also meet the people of the community and invite them to join. “One meter, one block, one sentence, will be enough,” Escalante said.

The festivity of Santo Cristo de La Grita is the most important of the Tachira. The Bishop of the Diocese of San Cristóbal, Mario Moronta, estimated that at least 500,000 pilgrims will arrive during the entire celebration, which ends on August 6, the patron saint’s day.

Lorena BornacellyLos Andes

Lorena BornacellyLos Andes

#doctors #pilgrimage #health #Venezuelans



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