???? Copper of bistort

2023-07-31 22:38:56


Bistort copper Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Arthropoda Class Insecta Order Lepidoptera Suborder Ditrysia Superfamily Papilionoidea Family Lycaenidae Subfamily Lycaeninae Genus Lycaena Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.), the binomial name, or binomial, comes from the…) Lycaena helle
(Denis and Schiffermüller, 1775) IUCN conservation statute:

EN A1cde : A danger

The Copper of the bistort (Lycaena helle) is an insect (Insectes is a French-speaking journal of ecology and entomology intended for a wide…) moth of the family Lycaenidae of the subfamily Lycaeninae and of the genus Lycaena .


‘Lycaena helle’ (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775)

Synonyms : Helleia helle, Papilio amphidamas (Esper)

Vernacular names

Bistorte copper is called Violet Copper in English, Blauschillernde Feuerfalter in German and blauwe vuurvlinder in Dutch.


Lycaena helle helle Lycaena helle phintonis (Fruhstorfer, 1910).

Genetics (Genetics (from the Greek genno γεννώ = to give birth is…) and evolution of the species (In the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”…)

Bistorte copper was present throughout metropolitan France (Metropolitan France, sometimes shortened to Metropolitan France, is in everyday language the…) since the Paleolithic


Flight period and overwintering

It flies from May to July and sometimes August, in one generation, sometimes two.

It overwinters in the chrysalis state (in holometabolous insects (eg butterflies and bees), which carry out…).

Host plants

Its host plants are Polygonum bistorta in Central Europe and Polygonum viviparum in Scandinavia (Scandinavia is a region located in northern Europe. It includes, in the sense of…). The use of Rumex or (wild sorrel) remains to be confirmed.


The Bistort Copper is a small butterfly with slight sexual dimorphism. The male, smaller, is purple (or rather has a purple glaze (A glaze is) purple which covers almost completely an orange background) with an orange sub-marginal band while the female (In biology, female (from the Latin “femella”, small woman, young woman) is the…), larger has sub marginal line drawings of blue dots on an orange ground on the forewings.

The underside of the forewing is orange adorned with black dots circled in white (White is the color of a body heated to regarding 5000°C (see…) and the hindwing is light brown with a band orange sub-margin lined inside with black dots underlined in white.

Reverse de Lycaena helle

Lycaena helle

Close or similar species

In its range, the common copper.


Bundespost stamp

It is present on a stamp of the German post of 1991.

Ecology and distribution

The bistort copper is present in the form of small colonies in Europe (France, Belgium, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Scandinavia) in Siberia and Mongolia. In France it is only found in a few departments, Ardennes, Vosges, Doubs, Jura, Allier, Loire, Puy-de-Dôme, Ariège and Pyrennées-Orientales.


It is a moth of flowering marshy meadows and bogs.


The bistro’s copper is included on the list of strictly protected insects in appendix II and appendix IV of the Habitats Directive of the Council of Europe concerning the conservation of natural habitats and of fauna and flora. (Flora is all the plant species present in a wild space…) of May 21, 1992 transposed into French law by the inclusion of copper from La Bistrot on the red list (We speak of the “red list” to designate a list containing…) insects in metropolitan France (decree of July 22, 1993 fixing the list of insects protected on the national territory (The concept of territory has taken on increasing importance in geography and particularly in…)). It is also on the red list (The color red responds to different definitions, depending on the chromatic system we do…) in Bavaria, Saxony and Baden-Wurtenberg.

A protected species in France, copper from La Bistrot is in decline wherever wetlands disappear.

#Copper #bistort



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