FPÖ – Kickl: Austrians still suffer more from inflation than people in many other euro countries | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-07-31 14:40:14

Consumption taxes must finally be reduced in order to achieve noticeable relief in purchasing, energy and mobility

Vienna (OTS) According to a quick estimate by Statistics Austria, the inflation rate was seven percent in July 2023. Although this represents a decrease of one percent compared to June 2023, it is still far too high. FPÖ Federal Party Chairman Club Chairman NAbg. Herbert Kickl: “The Austrians are still suffering more from inflation than people in many other euro countries. This is the result of a completely wrong corona policy, going along with the self-destructive sanctions on Russia and an ideology-driven wave of climate stress. But the black-green government still does nothing and steadfastly refuses to intervene in prices and eliminate or at least significantly reduce excise taxes on energy, basic food and fuel.”

The FPÖ federal party chairman criticized that it was no longer possible to see how the ÖVP in particular always talks regarding normality, but then the most normal thing in the world, help for compatriots, refuses: “The result is an unprecedented poverty and social crisis that has made everyday life unaffordable for people, has destroyed prosperity and social security far into the middle class and has made the queues in front of the social markets ever longer.”

At the same time, the existence of many Austrians is threatened by the interest rate policy of the European Central Bank (ECB). With nine key interest rate increases in a row, all those with variable interest loans would be driven into the existential crisis. Here, too, FPÖ federal party chairman NAbg. Herbert Kickl called on the black-green government to act: “The federal government must no longer leave these people out in the cold, but must finally act and provide real relief by extending the terms or deferrals!”

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press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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