2023-07-30 20:14:00
The princess participated for the third consecutive year in the summer camp of the Royal Military Academy with the members of her class. The Palace explains that the group “learned to lead a platoon of regarding 30 soldiers. The theoretical lessons, tactical exercises and combat procedures placed them for the first time in the role of an officer. They also learned to use more complex weapons, such as grenades and anti-tank weapons.”
As for Prince Gabriel, he ended his first year at the Royal Military School with this summer camp. As relayed by the Palace, “obstacle races, camouflage courses, shooting exercises and various sports activities” were on the program. “The collective exercises also made it possible to stimulate the group spirit”, adds the Palace, which specifies that the prince and his comrades had to “get out of their comfort zone and learn to push their limits”.
Below, the unpublished images.
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