Donald Trump’s PAC Legal Fees: $56 Million and Counting

2023-07-30 13:51:04

40,2 millions : Amount in US dollars raised by Save America, Donald Trump’s political action committee (PAC), that has been used to pay the legal fees of the former president, his advisers and others over the past six first months of the year, according to data which will be made public on Monday and already mentioned in the Washington Post and the New York Times.

“This total is greater than all other expenditures incurred by the PAC during Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign and, according to federal filings earlier this month, greater than what Trump’s campaign garnered in the second quarter of 2023. This will bring the post-presidential legal expenses of the PAC to approximately $56 million,” writes the Post, noting that the former president might soon be indicted in Washington and Atlanta, following having been in Florida and New York. Trump’s small donors therefore find themselves paying the legal fees of a defendant who claims to be a billionaire. What did PT Barnum ever say?

(Photo Getty Images)

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