Russia’s Naval Expansion and Propaganda Intensifies in Ukraine War: Latest Updates and News

2023-07-30 13:16:00

Putin’s propaganda in the Ukraine war intensified. Russia is constantly expanding its naval resources. The news ticker on the Ukraine war.

announcement on Marineparade: 30 new warships for Russia’s NavyCommunication above Gegenoffensive: “Surprising twist” in Vladimir PutinThe explosion on Schwarzmeerhalbinsel: Ukraine shows video of followingmath of an impact in CrimeaThe information processed here comes from international media and news agencies, but also from the warring parties Russia, Ukraine and their allies. In particular, the information on losses suffered by the armies involved in the Ukraine war cannot be independently verified.

Updated July 30, 3:10 p.m: The news agency reports on a new threat from Dmitry Medvedev. The deputy head of the Russian Security Council has once more brought up the use of nuclear weapons by Russia in the Ukraine war.

In a message distributed on the Internet, Medvedev speaks regarding the Russian nuclear doctrine with reference to the Ukrainian counter-offensive. Ukraine threatens Russian territory with the areas annexed by Russia. Should the NATO-backed counter-offensive succeed and part of Russia be separated, a presidential decree would force Russia to respond with a nuclear weapon, Medvedev said. The annexations of Ukrainian territories declared by Russia are not recognized internationally.

Putin praises the Black Sea Fleet involved in the Ukraine war

Updated July 30, 2:16 p.m: At Russia’s largest naval parade in St. Petersburg, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin not only announced 30 new warships for the naval forces this year. In his speech, Putin also mentioned the Baltic and Black Sea fleets, as well as other naval units that “valiantly” performed their duties. The Black Sea Fleet is also deployed in the Ukraine war and repeatedly fires missiles at the neighboring country from its ships.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and several guests of the Africa Summit were also present at the country’s central parade, which is traditionally held on the last Sunday in July in St. Petersburg and nearby Kronstadt. Africa is one of the most important markets for Russian arms.

The Russian state television broadcast the major event. The security precautions were also massive because of fears of attacks in the course of the Russian war of aggression once morest Ukraine. In his speech to the Russian military personnel, who appeared in parade uniform, Putin did not mention his war of aggression once morest Ukraine. Around 3000 soldiers took part in the parade.

Putin in the Ukraine war: Russian Navy receives 30 new warships

Updated July 30, 12:48 p.m: Russia is continuously expanding the resources of its navy. This year, the country is to receive 30 more combat ships. According to the state news agency, the head of the Kremlin announced this Tass at a parade in St. Petersburg on Russian Navy Day. “Russia is confidently implementing its large-scale national maritime policy goals,” said Russian President Putin.

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ISW experts certify Putin’s “surprising turn” in communications

Updated July 30, 11:34 am: Russia’s propaganda in the Ukraine war intensified in the face of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. This was observed by the US Institute for War Studies (ISW) in its most recent analysis of the situation. Prominent Russian military bloggers are increasingly misrepresenting Ukraine’s counteroffensive as widespread failed attacks, the experts write.

Examples include a video circulated on July 29 purporting to show such a defeat. In fact, the footage is from June 7th. This suggests that “Russian sources are intentionally distributing old footage to support the Kremlin’s narrative.”

For example, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin recently claimed that Ukraine lost 39 armored vehicles in the Zaporizhia region — “a remarkable turn of events in his exaggeration of Ukrainian losses,” according to the ISW.

According to the ISW experts, the Russian milibloggers are also currently changing their reporting. The experts also attribute this to the arrest of the prominent war critic Igor Girkin.

Ukraine reports high losses for Russia in the Ukraine war

Updated July 30, 9:44 a.m: The Ukrainian General Staff has published new figures on Russia’s losses in the Ukraine war. The information might not be checked independently. According to this, 480 Russian soldiers were killed or injured in the fighting within one day.

soldiers: 245,700 (+480 on the previous day)

Panzer: 4205 (+14)

Armored Combat Vehicles: 8178 (+11)

Artilleriesysteme:  4795 (+9)

vehicles and tankers: 7275 (+28)

Combat and reconnaissance drones: 4011 (+4)

Source: General Staff of Ukraine data as of July 30, 2023

Explosions in Crimea: Ukraine shows video of hit in Russian ammunition depot

Updated July 30, 8:59 a.m: Again, the Chonhar Bridge in Crimea is the target of an attack in the Ukraine war. It connects the Black Sea Peninsula with the mainland Ukrainian region of Cherson. The Ukrainian fighters claim that the bridge was damaged on Saturday (July 29). The Russian occupation chief of Kherson, Vladimir Saldo, had previously also reported on Ukrainian rocket attacks on the bridge with the railway line. However, he claimed that all twelve missiles had been deflected.

According to information from Newsweek Ukrainian armed forces have released a video that appears to show explosions at an ammunition depot in Russian-held Crimea. This “sabotage”, according to the Ukrainian side, is said to have taken place on Friday evening. The information might not be checked independently. “Around 10 p.m. on July 28, there was a lot of noise in the Cossack Bay of temporarily occupied Crimea,” Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence Service tweeted, according to the report.

Drones on the Russian capital: Moscow reports damage and one injured

Updated July 30, 7:23 a.m: According to official information, the Russian capital Moscow was attacked by three Ukrainian drones on the night of Sunday (30 July). No one was injured in the attack, the facades of two high-rise office buildings were slightly damaged, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Telegram early in the morning.

On the other hand, the Russian news agency reports Tass Citing rescue workers that one person was injured: “A security guard was injured in the blast at an Oko-2 building. The glazing from the first to the fourth floor was destroyed by a drone attack,” a member of the rescue workers is quoted as saying here.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, one of the three attacking Ukrainian drones was shot down and two others were “taken out by electronic warfare”. The attempted Ukrainian attack was “frustrated,” the Defense Ministry said on Telegram. In early July, Russia said it had shot down five Ukrainian drones that were disrupting operations at Vnukovo Airport.

Moscow is around 500 kilometers from the Russian-Ukrainian border. The urban area and the surrounding area of ​​the capital were initially only rarely targeted during the Ukraine war. Most recently, however, there had been several drone attacks on Moscow, for which the Russian authorities blamed Ukraine. Russia’s foreign ministry said such attacks would be “not possible” without NATO support for Ukraine.

Picture from July 30th: Damaged facades of office buildings in Moscow following a drone attack © Alexander Nemenov/AFP

Ukrainian secret service expects military operation in Crimea

Update from July 29, 6:40 p.m.: According to Kyrylo Budanov, Major General and head of Ukraine’s military intelligence agency HUR, Ukraine may be close to launching a military operation to liberate Crimea. That reports Sky News citing the Ukrainian TV channel TSN. When asked by journalists when Ukrainian troops will enter Crimea, Budanov replied that it would happen “soon”.

Budanov therefore gave no date for the start, only that it should happen in the near future. Crimea has been the target of several attacks in recent weeks, including the explosion that damaged the Kerch Bridge. Ukraine is primarily targeting Russian infrastructure. Russia annexed the Ukrainian peninsula in 2014.

Ukrainian nuclear company accuses Russia of kidnapping employees

Update from July 29, 4:50 p.m.: The Ukrainian energy company Energoatom accuses Russia of detaining an employee of its Zaporizhia nuclear power plant and of torturing him. “More than a month ago, on June 23, 2023, the [russischen] Invaders Serhii Potynh, a labor protection engineer of the Central Technical and Administrative Department of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia NPP, who worked at the power plant,” Energoatom shared on Telegram.

According to the company, Potynh was seen at a local police station, where the Russian occupiers are said to be detaining other residents and nuclear plant workers. It is said that following the torture he is sent to the hospital so that he does not die. Energoatom appeals to IAEA Director General Grossi and the international community to take all possible measures to release Potynh and all captured NPP employees.

Zelenskyj visits the front near Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine

Update from July 29, 2:00 p.m.: According to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, he visited the front near Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine. On the occasion of the day of the special forces of the Ukrainian army, he thanked the soldiers on site for their commitment, he said on Telegram. He also released a video showing him shaking hands and handing out awards to several fighters. The Ukrainian President was also informed by commanders regarding the situation in the heavily contested section of the front. However, he cannot give any details at the moment.

A few months ago, following extremely costly fighting, Bachmut came under Russian control. Since then, Putin’s troops have occupied the city, which had a population of around 70,000 before the start of the aggressive war. As part of their counter-offensive, the Ukrainian army now wants to liberate these areas. Most recently, she reported minor successes, especially in the south-east of the country.

Explosion at Russian ammunition dump in Crimea: Ukraine claims responsibility for attack

Update from July 29, 11:52 a.m.: Saboteurs working for Ukraine apparently managed to detonate a Russian ammunition dump on the Crimean peninsula. This was announced by the Ukrainian secret service via Telegram. The attack is said to have happened on the night of July 29th. The secret service released a Video, on which the attack should be visible. The authenticity of the video, the recording location or the date cannot be independently confirmed.

Heavy fighting in southern Ukraine

Update from July 29, 10:45 am: During the Ukraine war, battles are reported from the south of the country. Particularly fierce fighting is said to be raging around the city of Orikhiv. This is reported by the British secret service. The Ukrainian armed forces managed to push back the attackers. Russia, in turn, would harass the advancing troops of Ukraine, primarily with helicopters.

Update from July 29, 9:10 a.m.: Ukraine has updated figures on Russia’s casualties. According to this, another 390 Russian soldiers have died in the fighting in the past 24 hours. Another tank and eleven artillery systems were also destroyed. This information cannot be independently verified.

Ukraine reports Russia’s losses in the war:

soldiers: 245,220 (+390 on the previous day)Panzer: 4191 (+1)Armored Combat Vehicles: 8167 (+6)Artilleriesysteme: 4786 (+11)vehicles and tankers: 7247 (+7)Combat and reconnaissance drones: 4007airplanes: 315helicopter: 311Ships and boats: 18Multiple rocket launcher systems: 698Source: General Staff of Ukraine data as of July 29, 2023Anm.: According to calculations by independent Russian media from early July 2023, around 47,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in the Ukraine war so far. These figures differ greatly from those published by the Ukrainian side.

First report: KIEV – In the Ukraine war, the defenders’ counter-offensive led to further losses for Russia. According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, its own troops have managed to liberate the village of Staromajorske. The settlement is located in southern Ukraine between the cities of Zaporizhia and Donetsk.

Ukraine celebrated the success in Staromajorske as a major breakthrough in the war once morest Russia. In the battle for the village, the enemy’s defenses were broken through, although the enemy dug in deeply and offered fierce resistance. The settlement belongs, according to the Ukrainian news portal Kyiv Post “to the southernmost points of the summer offensive”. The TO518 road located there is “literally the road to Mariupol”. Russia had occupied the port city at the beginning of the Ukraine war. Since then, Mariupol has been under the control of Moscow.

As Ukraine scores more partial battlefield victories, Russia’s casualties mount. According to Ukrainian information, almost 250,000 Russian soldiers died in the Ukraine war. More than 700,000 soldiers are said to have been wounded. The number of Russian tanks destroyed is said to be approaching the 5,000 mark. This information has not been independently verified.

Russia launches missile attack on Ukraine

Moscow’s will, on the other hand, seems to have been unbroken in the Ukraine war. Russian rocket attacks on Ukrainian cities were reported once more on Friday. At least nine people were injured when a Russian missile hit the Ukrainian city of Dnipro in the center of the country, according to Ukrainian sources. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke of “Russian rocket terror”. Ukraine will do “everything to hold Russia accountable for aggression and terror once morest our people.”

The attack came just hours following Moscow reported repelling two Ukrainian missiles over southwestern Russia. According to Russian authorities, at least 15 people were slightly injured by the falling debris of one of these rockets in the city of Taganrog near the Ukrainian border. (dil/lrg/dpa)

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