VP-Mahrer: FPÖ must immediately distance itself from the Identitarians

2023-07-30 08:46:06

Both the Viennese FPÖ and the Federal FPÖ demanded a demarcation of right-wing extremist ideas

Vienna (OTS) “Yesterday’s demonstration by the Identitarians, in which officials from the FPÖ youth also took part, clearly shows that the FPÖ has a problem with right-wing extremist ideas in its own ranks,” commented the state party chairman of the Vienna People’s Party, City Councilor Karl Mahrer, on the demonstration under the motto “Remigration” in the center of Vienna.

“Here not only the Viennese FPÖ is called upon to react immediately, but also the Federal FPÖ must act,” said Mahrer and called on the Freedom Party to immediately distance themselves from the escalations and from right-wing extremist ideas in general.

No stage for right-wing extremism

“In the past, freedomists have too often offered right-wing extremists an appropriate stage. There was also no or only a very poor demarcation from the Identitarians,” says Mahrer and concludes:
“If no clear position is now taken in this regard, it would be clear: the FPÖ is actually on the far right and has direct connections to right-wing extremists.”

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The Vienna People’s Party
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