Are eggs fattening?

2023-07-29 21:58:48

How many calories are there in eggs?

The egg contains 140 calories pour 100 gwhich makes him a low calorie protein food, like lean meats. For comparison, a chicken breast provides 141 cal/100g, roast pork 163 cal/100g and lamb chops 208 cal/100g.

Hard-boiled, scrambled, fried, soft-boiled: Do eggs make you gain weight?

Moderately caloric, rich in proteins of good nutritional quality, sources of lipids in reasonable quantities, eggs are indisputably slimming foods, completely compatible with a hypocaloric diet. To best benefit from their nutritional qualities, cooking is crucial.
egg white – or albumen – is rich in proteins but also in anti-proteases, molecules which limit the digestibility of proteins, but which are destroyed during cooking. The egg white should therefore ideally be well cooked.
The egg yolk – or vitellus – as for him has any interest in stay as raw as possiblein order to preserve retinol (vitamin A), vitamin E, carotenoids and therefore the overall antioxidant capacity of the egg.

The best ways to cook eggs are therefore those where the white is cooked and the yolk runny: fried, soft-boiled, poached or soft-boiled.

THE omelets and scrambled eggs are therefore noticeably less interesting from a nutritional point of view, but they remain healthy and low calorie dishes. Be careful, however, not to add too many rich ingredients, such as bacon bits, cheese or fresh cream, and to limit the cooking fat.

Are eggs to be removed as part of a cholesterol-lowering diet?

Eggs are one of the highest cholesterol foodswith a content of 355 mg/100g. This is also what earned them their bad reputation, and which means that they are often banned from the diet of people suffering from hypercholesterolemia … wrongly! We have known for many years that dietary cholesterol has very little effect on blood cholesterol. In other words, it is not because we eat foods high in cholesterol that our cholesterol levels will rise.
The culprits are foods high in saturated fats, mainly: fatty meats, cold cuts, cheese and trans fatty acids found in ultra-processed foods.

People suffering from cholesterol should therefore not remove eggs from their diet, and can even eat up to two a day.

Evening, morning: when is it advisable to eat eggs to lose weight?

If eggs can be eaten at any time of the day, it is in the morning that they would be the best to find a slender line.
A recent Australian study (1) conducted on 50 obese or overweight people revealed that those who eat eggs and toast for breakfast spontaneously reduce their caloric intake at the next meal, compared to those who eat cereals, milk and orange juice, for the same caloric value. People who eat eggs in the morning are also less attracted to sugary foods at the next meal than those who eat cereals.
Starting the day with a food source of protein, and limiting foods with a high glycemic index (such as cereals and fruit juice), makes it possible to maintain a moderate and stable blood sugar level, thus limiting sugar cravings in the morning.

Does egg yolk make you fat?

The egg yolk has a bad reputation because it contains all the fat in the egg and provides a large part of its calories. However, it is not recommended to consume only the egg white, which is much less interesting on the nutritional level than the whole egg.
Indeed, if egg proteins are so well absorbed and used by the human body, it is because the amino acids contained in the white are complementary to those contained in the yolk. If we separate the white from the yolk, the proteins will therefore not contain all the essential amino acids and will therefore be less well absorbed by the body.
Moreover, the egg white is much less satiating and also less tasty on its own than when it is associated with the yolk, and we know how important the notion of pleasure is in the quest for thinness.
There is therefore no no reason to demonize the egg yolk!

#eggs #fattening



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