The Surprising Link Between Belly Fat and Diabetes: Genetic Mutations That Offer Protection

2023-07-29 01:11:08

Although she gained belly fat due to ‘gene mutation’, there are unexpectedly many people who are ‘protected’ from diabetes etc.

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It is common knowledge that gaining belly fat can increase the risk of diabetes and stroke. However, a study that breaks this conventional wisdom has come out. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Breaking the conventional wisdom, a new study has found that belly fat (abdominal obesity), rather than causing diabetes, may even protect you from the disease.

A joint research team from the School of Medicine and Engineering at the University of Virginia found that five regions out of hundreds of regions of the genome that have been recognized as increasing the propensity to accumulate excess fat in the abdomen unexpectedly can actually lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. .

As a result of the study, it was revealed that some people have a tendency to accumulate fat around the waist due to genetic mutations in these five areas, but rather do not suffer from diabetes. The research team predicted that there would be not a small number of patients with this type of abdominal obesity.

In general, obesity is known to increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and stroke by causing metabolic syndrome. However, as this study found that not everyone who gained belly fat had a high risk of developing diabetes, the research team emphasized the need to identify people with this tendency through genetic mutations and provide personalized treatment.

“There is growing evidence for metabolically healthy obesity. “We found a genetic link that might explain how obesity, which is commonly perceived as increasing the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, may have the opposite protective effect once morest these diseases in some people.”

It is important to understand the various forms of obesity in order to tailor treatment for individuals at high risk of adverse side effects from obesity. In particular, understanding the role of naturally occurring genetic mutations will enable the best personalized treatment for obese patients. Doctors can drastically change the course of treatment, such as de-emphasizing the need to lose weight, for patients who are identified by genetic testing as having genetic mutations that protect once morest diabetes and other conditions.

Abdominal obesity is one of the important indicators that doctors use to determine whether a patient has metabolic syndrome. The doctor measures the circumference of the patient’s waist and hips and compares them.

The results of this study (Predicting mechanisms of action at genetic loci associated with discordant effects on type 2 diabetes and abdominal fat accumulation) were published in the scientific journal ≪eLife≫.

#Abdominal #obesity #breaking #conventional #wisdom.. #belly #fat #prevent #diabetes



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