FPÖ – Stefan zu Zadic: “A general public prosecutor would be classified as questionable in terms of democratic policy!” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-07-29 10:16:20

“I think it is completely wrong that a three-person senate should also be responsible for the instructions, because shared responsibility is in fact no responsibility.”

Vienna (OTS) “A general public prosecutor would be classified as questionable in terms of democratic policy, since he would probably not be subject to the right of interpellation. But it is precisely this parliamentary control, including political responsibility, that is important and must not be dispensed with under any circumstances,” said FPÖ justice spokesman NAbg today. Mag. Harald Stefan on statements by the Green Minister of Justice Zadic in several interviews.

“Political responsibility must lie with the respective justice minister, and parliamentary control must also be possible. It is important that the minister is the leader. The minister is accountable to Parliament, which can then also be held accountable,” explained Stefan.

“I think it is completely wrong that a three-person senate should also be responsible for the instructions, because shared responsibility is in fact no responsibility. That would be completely non-transparent, because in such a case you don’t know in what form the Senate actually voted. Who made the decision and who is to be held accountable? That would be completely unclear – so this proposal by the minister also contains a completely wrong approach,” emphasized the FPÖ justice spokesman.

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