19-Year-Old Student Shatters Record in The 8 Steps and Makes History

2023-07-29 03:12:57
A 19-year-old boy broke the record in The 8 Steps

So much goes the pitcher to the source that in the end it breaks. The saying linked to popular language applies to what happened on Friday night in The 8 steps of the 3 million. The program that Guido Kaczka hosts on the screen of El Trece, leader in its slot, had been threatening to win the biggest prize. But they swam, swam and stayed on the shore.

In this 2023 there were other participants who stayed at 9 million. For example, Iván, a 32-year-old banker, and Martín, a 53-year-old doctor, who came very close to making history. The same luck had Mariano Cáceres, a private security employee who allocated the money to pay for the medical treatment of his daughter and became one of the public’s favorites. The last one was Pablo, a laboratory employee, who failed to answer the first two questions.

The cursed barrier of the four program was finally broken and the person responsible was Santiago Simari, a 19-year-old student of Political Science and who projects for his future nothing more and nothing less than becoming President of the Nation. On a more earthly level, he plans to use the money to help his parents and to open a kiosk with his friends and he works touring different prisons seeking to ensure that the rights of inmates are fulfilled.

With these credentials, and an astonishing tranquility, at least from what he emitted with his body language, he was dodging the different instances of the competition and managed to win the different prizes. First there were 3, and she agreed to continue, as indicated in the regulation. And she didn’t stop anymore. The 6, the 9 and the possibility of the 12 arrived, the much feared 12.

But the streaks are to be broken and with that conviction Santiago appeared. The final pitted him against Federico, and despite starting at a disadvantage, he managed to straighten his path and reached the last question with a green light ahead of his competitor. The person in charge of asking was Jason Mayne, a journalist specializing in technology and the environment. “Which of these cities in Europe announced that you can swim again after 100 years?” The options were Paris, Rome, Barcelona and Berlin. Santiago opted for the French capital and Federico, for the German.

The tension was building, and it finally exploded when Mayne assured that there was a correct answer. If it was Santiago’s, he would automatically establish himself as the winner. If it was that of his adversary, they defined by approximation. But the 19-year-old was out to make history. And for him, tonight Paris was a party.

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“12 million pesos, Santiago breaks the record in The 8 Steps,” shouted Guido Kaczka, leaving his usual composure a bit. Meanwhile, the champion’s friends ran into the studio, in a constant of each of his triumphs that became cabal.

“Santiago gets the largest number of millions in the history of The 8 Steps, we never saw that symbolic check,” the driver repeated in case anyone had any doubts, and reviewed some personal references of the young man from San Cristóbal. In the background, the applause of the jury, integrated on this occasion by the actress Carmen Barbieri, the sports journalist Leo Paradizo, the model Evangelina Anderson and the coach of the volleyball team Marcelo Méndez. Then he walked over to the screen where giant gold numbers displayed the new figure. “What a barbarian, what a winner”, exclaimed Guido, in a mutual emotion. “I was confident of winning the first program, but being able to break the record and go for more makes me very happy,” said Santiago, willing to go for more. Next Monday, he will have the chance to continue making history.

Keep reading:

He was going for the record in The 8 Steps but he answered the first two questions wrong and was eliminatedSurprise in The 8 Steps due to a change in the rules: “Are you okay with staying in the game?”
#years #dreams #president #won #unprecedented #figure #Steps

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