Recognizing and Treating Summer Flu: Symptoms, Duration, and Prevention

2023-07-28 22:36:58

The flu doesn’t just happen in winter. Read here how to recognize the symptoms of summer flu and how to get rid of it once more.

It is warm to hot, the sun is shining and then coughing, runny nose and hoarseness suddenly make themselves felt. Anyone who first thinks of a pollen allergy when they have a runny nose doesn’t have to be wrong, but it might also be that you’ve caught the summer flu. In this article you can read what summer flu is, what symptoms it is, how long it lasts, how to get well once more quickly and how to protect yourself from summer flu.

Sick in summer: what exactly is summer flu?

The summer flu is not really comparable to the real flu. According to the health portal it is more of a cold, i.e. a flu-like infection. The summer flu is triggered by so-called enteroviruses, which transmit the disease through smear infection and prefer warm temperatures.

The summer flu usually occurs in spring, summer or early autumn and is much more harmless than the real flu, because typically only the upper respiratory tract is infected and the symptoms usually only appear gradually. Influenza viruses that cause the real flu, on the other hand, affect the whole body, and symptoms often begin suddenly and violently. In addition, the real flu can be life-threatening in extreme cases.

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Incidentally, the real flu is very rare in summer because flu viruses are loud are more sensitive to UV light than, for example, enteroviruses that cause summer flu.

What are the symptoms of summer flu?

Anyone who has caught a summer flu usually complains of symptoms like those of a cold. Loud Summer flu typically causes the following symptoms:

Basically, the summer flu can cause a stronger feeling of illness than a cold in winter and also cause symptoms such as fever or gastrointestinal problems. Loud The common symptoms of summer flu also include loss of appetite, headaches and body aches. According to the health website, children are more likely to get summer flu than adults.

How long does summer flu last?

In a typical course of the summer flu, it heals loudly off once more following a few days. The incubation period – the period between infection and the onset of the first symptoms – is noisy usually regarding three to six days, while those affected are already contagious.

Summer flu: How do you get well once more quickly?

With the summer flu, it’s a matter of persevering, because according to there is “nothing that can speed up recovery”. Although the symptoms can be alleviated with medication, nose drops and tablets and warm drinks can also have a beneficial effect, these measures do not speed up recovery.

The health portal also advises once morest antibiotics for summer flu, as these only work once morest bacteria and not once morest viruses.

Important: If the summer flu has caused a fever in addition to other symptoms and this does not go away following three days at the latest, a doctor should be consulted.

How can you protect yourself from summer flu?

Once the summer flu has caught you, you have to sit out the illness. But how can you protect yourself from this in the first place?

Sea people with a weakened immune system are more susceptible to infections such as summer flu. Typical risk factors include, for example, dry mucous membranes, as they can be more easily infected by viruses. Possible causes can be a draft in the convertible or air conditioning. A chilled body, for example due to cold feet or wet swimwear, also poses a risk of infection.

In order to avoid infection with the summer flu, you should also pay attention to good hygiene. That means:

wash hands often and thoroughly with soap keep frequently touched surfaces clean and disinfect if necessary keep away from sick people do not drink from cups or bottles from which someone else has already drunk avoid draughts

In addition, advises strengthen the immune system with a healthy diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep. And once you have survived the summer flu, you are immune to the exact trigger for life, but you can still be infected once more with pathogens of the same type of virus.

#Recognize #symptoms #quickly



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