Beer Tan vs. Sunscreen: The Dangerous TikTok Trend That Worries Dermatologists

2023-07-28 20:35:00

On TikTok, many netizens showed off their beer tan instead of sunscreen. This practice worries!

Every summer, the authorities alert users to the importance of protecting themselves with sunscreen when exposed to the sun. But on TikTok, a dangerous new trend has emerged. She worries dermatologists.

A very dangerous trend on TikTok

Our colleagues from Independent media have alerted to the new trend circulating on TikTok. The hashtag “beertan” has accumulated more than 200,000 views in a very short time. This tendency is very dangerous according to dermatologists.

It consists in applying beer instead of sunscreen on the body, to tan. And the least we can say is that it is a especially tend not to reproduce.

Caroline Brooks, skin specialist revealed to PA Media: “The beer tanning trend is to use beer. In particular, as an alternative to traditional tanning sunscreen. And this, to obtain a sunny glow”.

“Proponents of this trend claim that the sugars and acids in beer can help darken the skin. And potentially provide additional benefits due to the presence of antioxidants. And of vitamins in some types of beer« .

She said then: “However, it is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support efficacy. Or the safety of using beer. And this, for tanning purposes instead of sunscreen.

The importance of sunscreen

Dr. Maham Khan, dermatologist, alerted to this TikTok practice. He said: “As a consultant dermatologist dealing with daily patients with skin cancer, I feel compelled to speak up”.

“It’s important to stress the utmost importance of exercising caution and mindfulness when it comes to the TikTok trend of ‘beer tan’.”

Before continuing: “The desire to get a glowing tan is understandable. But it is crucial to approach this trend with caution. And of prioritize sunscreen”.

He also said: “Applying beer to the skin in the belief that it improves the tan is a questionable practice. It lacks scientific evidence.

Dr. Khan also recalled, “Most importantly, this method offers no protection once morest the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.” It is therefore necessary to continue to favor sunscreen this dangerous practice.

A solution for a safe tan

The specialist notably recalled: “I cannot stress enough the importance of using quality and appropriate SPF sunscreen. And this, for protect the skin from harmful UV rays« .

And to indicate: “A sunscreen with a high SPF index, combined with broad-spectrum protection, is essential to effectively protect the skin. However, it is crucial to note that sunscreen alone may not provide complete protection.”

It is therefore necessary to put yourself in the shade when the sun is hot. Experts also advise wearing protective clothing. And avoid sun exposure during peak hours.

Another expert said, “The safest and most effective way to achieve a sun-kissed glow is to use self-tanning products. Or spray tans.”

“They are specifically formulated for this purpose. And have undergone rigorous testing. In particular to guarantee their safety and effectiveness. Always prioritize the health and well-being of your skin. Especially when you consider a beauty or tan trend« .

Victoria Bernard

Graduated from a great school of journalism and I also have a diploma in preparation of aperitif. I love to write and especially for Tuxboard, the team is really great and the subjects very varied even if I prefer to write on the media and also on fashion trends!

#watch #dangers #beertanning #trend #summer #Tuxboard



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