Thomas Kjems: Surviving Tehran Jails and the Journey to Freedom

2023-07-25 12:47:17

Dane Thomas Kjems spent seven months in Tehran jails. At the beginning of June, he landed on the tarmac at Melsbroek before returning to his country. “I did not choose to be exchanged for a terrorist,” he underlines today. Article reserved for subscribers Journalist at the World service By Pauline Hofmann Published on 07/25/2023 at 14:47 Reading time: 6 min

Two months ago, Belgium set up Operation Blackstone to free Olivier Vandecasteele following nearly a year and a half spent by the Belgian humanitarian in Iranian prisons. In the process, three other European hostages were released, thanks to the intervention of Belgium. Among them, the young Thomas Kjems. The Dane was arrested in Tehran at the end of 2022, during a tourist trip to Iran. Today he comes back for The evening on the conditions of his release, the exchange with the Iranian diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi and on the difficulties in finding a “normal” life.

I have with me this baggage of having been imprisoned, for better or for worse. I’m still trying to deal with certain thoughts, which tumble: memories and guilt

Could you explain to us how you found yourself imprisoned in Iran?

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