2023-07-24 15:08:10
Commuters taking the N4 in Gembloux can check it regularly: during heavy rain, it is not uncommon for the 3 keys roundregarding in Gembloux to be flooded. After the showers of the night, it was still the case this Monday morning.
A cleaning is planned soon according to SOFICO. – TC
SOFICO recognizes that this is indeed an area “more prone to flooding and more impacted than others”.
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Blame it on the surrounding environment. At the corner of the N4 and the Chaussée de Tirlemont, a crop field borders the roundregarding “and when it rains, the crops or the land clog the drains”, admits Corentin Vuylsteke, communications assistant.
Read also The cycle path overflows onto the car lane at the 3 Clés roundregarding in Gembloux: “It will not harm cars” (photos and video)
Therefore, to prevent flooding as much as possible, the drains should be cleaned and brushed quite often, in this case three times a year. “An interview is also planned very soon”, assures Corentin Vuylsteke.
Read also Abder, restaurateur in Gembloux, deplores the inequality in the allocation of terraces: “I have the impression of living in a lawless zone” (photos and video)
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