Reducing Dementia Behaviors: The Impact of Brightening House Lights

2023-07-24 11:17:46

Brightening the house lights can reduce dementia behaviors

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[사진=게티이미지뱅크]People with dementia tend to walk around or follow others like shadows in the late followingnoon and night. They also show more anxiety and nervousness. Doctors call this phenomenon, in which dementia patients become more confused in the late followingnoon and at night, “sundowning.”

Why do these altered behaviors occur at certain times of the day?

We all interpret the world through the information that enters our brain through our five senses. The most important of these are sight and hearing. This is why it is difficult to do complex work in a dark room.

According to the science website 《Iflscience》, dementia patients also understand and interpret their surroundings by inputting information through their senses. The problem is that as sunset approaches, the light diminishes, reducing the amount of sensory input that people with dementia can use to interpret the world. These problems can have a profound impact on the brains of people with dementia, who already have difficulty integrating sensory information, increasing confusion and unexpected behavior.

We’ve all heard that we use only a fraction of our brain’s power. In fact, it is true that most of us have far more brain power than we need for our daily tasks. This unused ‘reservoir of cognition’ can be used without regret when faced with complex tasks that require more mental effort.

But what if you don’t have much cognitive reserve?

The changes that ultimately lead to Alzheimer’s begin 30 years before the onset of symptoms, during which time they continue to eat away at cognitive reserves. When the damage is too severe to reverse the brain, the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias finally appear.

Therefore, when a patient first shows early symptoms of dementia, much damage has already been done in the brain. As the stored cognitive power is exhausted, the symptoms of memory loss finally become apparent. Because of this lack of cognitive reserve, people with dementia have to exert much more mental effort than the average person during daily life.

We’ve all probably felt cognitively drained, exhausted, and irritable following a long day of hard work that requires extreme mental effort and concentration. People with dementia have to put in tremendous mental effort every day to digest their daily routine.

How to deal with a sunset in the family of a person with dementia?

Lights should be brightened in the late followingnoon and at night when the sun goes down to help people with dementia integrate and interpret sensory information. Also, taking a short nap following lunch can help relieve cognitive fatigue at the end of the day. This is because it gives the brain a chance to recover and recharge.

#Grandmother #dementia.. #reason #hangs #night

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