2023-07-24 07:58:00
The marital relationship is one of the basics of life prescribed by God, but there is some misinformation among many, and Dr. Heba Qutb, a consultant in sexual health and marital therapies, provided everything you do not know regarding the stages of sexual ability that a man goes through during his life. These stages are:
• It begins with puberty and is at its strongest at that time.
• Then it gradually decreases and becomes less with age.
But we always say that this rule, even if every rule has deviants, and there are models that we marvel at the continuation of these abilities they have at a higher rate than expected in that period of life, such as some soccer players who continue to play even following the age of forty with the fitness of a twenty-five-year-old.
Heba Kotb indicated that age is not only a factor for sexual ability, it cannot be definitive that this man will lose his sexual ability, or that there will be a difference between desire and sexual performance at a stage of life, but of course it is a possibility.
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