Navigating Parental Differences: Guide to Teaching Financial Responsibility to Adolescents

2023-07-24 02:06:09

My husband and I have different views on the education of our children, and we have sometimes argued regarding how to deal with them. But we have never hesitated so long to decide on the direction to take, than since our two youngsters reach adolescence (12 and 13 and a half years old) and they begin to want to enjoy a certain autonomy in terms of money. Which means they want to be given more than the small allowance we agreed on when they started school.

And there’s the whole question of the famous cell phone that they both now own, but for which my husband would like us to ask them a small sum each month to make them aware of the costs it entails, whereas I find that it would put on their backs a responsibility that they don’t have to have at such a young age.

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According to Emmanuelle Gril, a specialist in money affairs who collaborates with the Journal: “From the age of 5-6 years, we should start their financial education with our young people. In a playful way at first, then gradually in a more formal way. This is essential to ensure their good financial health later on. She adds, “…we can even, if we give them a substantial amount of pocket money, have them participate in the payment of their cell phone bill as well as the monthly payments for it, to make them understand what it’s worth.” »

#valid #give #pocket #money #children



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