Revitalized Multipurpose Court and Children’s Well-being Day in the Community of Boca de Marhuanta

2023-07-24 04:35:06

Renovated multipurpose court in the community

The Women’s Committee of the Social and Cultural Foundation of the Bolívar State Chamber of Commerce (FSCCC), chaired by Nohelys Silva de Díaz, held in the community of Boca de Marhuanta, Panapana parish, the first “Children’s Well-being Day” with which this charitable institution has the mission of contributing to the general good of children in everything related to nutrition, sports, education, environment, safety, as well as their physical and mental health.

On this occasion, the “Children’s Well-being Day” was oriented towards health, sports and recreation to benefit a population of 60 boys and girls who live in this fishing town, with few equitable and inclusive conditions that provide them with lifelong learning opportunities.


The multipurpose court was completely repainted, mesh was placed for the arches and basketball baskets. Sports equipment such as balls for indoor soccer and basketball practice were also delivered.

On a morning full of joy, which closed the month dedicated to children with a flourish, the ladies of the FSCCC shared various recreational activities organized jointly with Professor José Gregorio Yanez. Among them: dance therapy, the inauguration of recovered facilities with soccer games, basketball and athletics competitions, events where everyone received their participation medals.

“The child population with these physical activities manages to reinforce sporting values ​​such as teamwork, respect for the rules and for other classmates, discipline and tolerance. These skills are essential for their training, good development within communities and societies”, said Nohelys Silva de Díaz, in her opening remarks and when explaining one of the fundamental objectives that the Foundation pursues with the little ones.


Similarly, the children of Boca de Marhuanta were vaccinated and dewormed to contribute to their healthy growth.

The little ones received vaccines from 2 months of age, such as Polio, Trivalent, Pentavalent. In addition , from the age of 4 onwards they were given deworming treatment . The adult population, including, was vaccinated once morest yellow fever, toxoids and COVID. And they were given a supply of oral serum to treat dehydration.

All this was possible thanks to the spirit of institutional cooperation achieved between the Social Cultural Foundation of the Chamber of Commerce and the CPT lll Primero de Mayo team, located in Ciudad Bolívar.

Rol social

The “Children’s Well-being Day” also had the support and presence of the directors of the Bolívar State Chamber of Commerce and Industries, led by Julio Díaz, who together with his team were an active part of the day’s programming.

In this way, the social arm of the highest representatives of the commercial sector of Bolívar, begins to frame its actions in response to the urgent call of the United Nations (UN), so that the private actors of society, also form part of the great movement that aims to achieve the changes established in the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in favor of people, the planet and prosperity and that also intends to strengthen universal peace and access to justice.

Finally, the head of the community, Yanitza Aguane, and the sports coordinator, Leonel Tizamo, expressed their gratitude and satisfaction for the excellent social work carried out in their sector. CNP: 11.009

#carry #day #child #welfare #Boca #Marhuanta



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