Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Prevention, and Urgent Medical Care

2023-07-24 04:36:00


Dengue fever is a disease that can happen to anyone. It is caused by the dengue virus. with Aedes mosquitoes as vectors Currently, there are 5,000 more patients per week. High fever all the time, red rash, headache, muscle, bone pain, loss of appetite are all warning signs of dengue fever. The best way to prevent Don’t let mosquitoes bite and do not allow mosquitoes to be born When suspected of having dengue fever, you need to see a doctor immediately.

The Department of Disease Control has released information. found the number of patients More than 5,000 cases of ‘dengue fever’ across the country are increasing each week, bringing the cumulative number of cases to nearly 40,000 since the beginning of the year and more than 40 deaths have been reported.

However, if the number of patients continues to increase continuously Legislation may be needed to control the disease as quickly and effectively as possible.

On July 21, 2023, the Department of Disease Control held an online meeting with public health teams in 30 districts of 18 provinces where the number of patients continued to increase. and representatives of the Department of Local Administrative Promotion (Sor.) to emphasize that the team in the area accelerates disease prevention during the 4 weeks from now (21 July – 18 August 2023)

For the provinces, a large number of dengue patients were found in 30 districts, 18 provinces, namely Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Nan, Phayao, Tak, Phetchaburi, Chonburi, Rayong, Chanthaburi, Trat, Ubon Ratchathani, Krabi, Phuket, Songkhla, Satun, Narathiwat and Bangkok. Patients were found continuously for more than 8 weeks and there were dengue fever patients in the last 4 weeks. greater than the average of the past 5 years in the same period considered to be close to the criteria for declaring a dengue epidemic area

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warning signs ‘dengue fever’

Asst. Prof. Dr. Chonmeth Techasansiri, Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University explains that dengue fever is caused by infection with a virus called dengue virus, which is transmitted by mosquitoes. In general, dengue fever is most common during the rainy season. Because Aedes mosquitoes breed a lot in this season. The symptoms of dengue fever range from high fever. In some cases, if treated late, it may be severe to the point of death.

For the symptoms of dengue fever. You can check as follows.

Dengue fever is transmitted from person to person with Aedes mosquitoes being the main vectors. After being bitten for regarding 3-8 days, the symptoms of dengue fever will begin to occur as follows:

High fever most of the time Red rash or bleeding spots all over your body, headache, muscle pain body aches or bone pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain in the right rib area If the condition is severe, abnormal bleeding may occur. and shock

Most patients with severe symptoms, such as abnormal bleeding or shock, are most often caused by recurrent infections. Because those who are re-infected will have more severe symptoms.

How do you know? that hemorrhagic fever

Dengue fever is caused by the ‘Dengue virus’, which is caused by 4 serotypes: dengue 1, 2, 3 and 4. Thailand has outbreaks of 4 serotypes circulating depending on the area. Dengue virus is transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. especially female mosquitoes which bites in the daytime and suck human blood into the stomach accumulate in the stomach wall cells until they increase in number into the salivary glands and enters the body of the next bitten person

Dengue virus has an incubation period in mosquitoes of regarding 8-12 days. When this mosquito bites another person, it releases the virus to the bitten person. when the infection enters the human body And through an incubation period of 5-8 days, or the shortest 3 days and the longest 15 days, it can cause symptoms of the disease.

Currently, there are 4 different strains of dengue fever. If there is a second re-infection and it is caused by dengue virus type 2, it may be more severe than other cases.

Each year, it was found that the distribution of all 4 strains rotated. and there are different predominant pathogens in each year causing disease outbreaks all along Because people do not have immunity to that strain of virus.

Normally, the symptoms of dengue fever can be divided into 3 phases as follows:

1. First phase

It is a period in which the patient will have a high fever for regarding 5-7 days, with muscle aches and pains. There is a rash or red spots on the body, arms, legs, some people may have an appetite. and have nausea accompanied by vomiting

2. critical period

This is the most careful phase. Patients will experience fatigue and lethargy. little urination Abdominal pain, especially around the right ribcage including abnormal bleeding such as nosebleeds vomiting blood or black stools At this stage, the fever begins to decrease, hands and feet become cold, and blood pressure is low. And can cause shock to death.

3. recovery period

At this stage, the patient begins to feel better. Blood pressure started to stabilize. urine comes out Started to have more appetite. Abdominal pain, flatulence decrease and feel more energy. The total duration of dengue is approximately 7-10 days.

Risk groups to watch out for ‘dengue fever’

Dengue fever can be found at any age. But it is more common in children of school age and early working age. The patients who are at risk of developing severe disease or complications include:

Babies and the elderly pregnant woman People with stomach ulcers Women who are on their periods or have abnormal vaginal bleeding. People with hemolytic disease or disease caused by abnormal hemoglobin congenital heart disease patients Patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, ischemic heart disease, renal failure, cirrhosis, those taking corticosteroid drugs (corticosteroid) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory or NSAIDs)

Recommendations for taking care of patients with dengue fever

The basics for caring for patients with dengue fever while at home can be done as follows:

swab to reduce fever By using a damp cloth to rub the body with water and wring. Then start wiping the face, neck, back of the ears, then apply the compress on the neck, armpits, groin, and crooked joints. Drink plenty of water. Give paracetamol to reduce fever. Do not use aspirin or ibuprofen to reduce fever. If there are severe symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain in the right rib area. Severe bleeding, cold body, cold hands and feet, no urination for more than 6 hours Hurry up and take him to see a doctor immediately.

Diagnosis of dengue fever

Due to the symptoms of dengue fever in the early stages This is similar to many infectious diseases such as influenza and other causes of fever. Doctors diagnose dengue fever with additional tests. and laboratory examination as follows:

complete blood count (CBC) to look for abnormalities in all components of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and blood concentrations Dengue Immunity Test (IgM), Direct NS1 Ag Test, PCR Test for Dengue Virus

If it is found that the patient has small bleeding spots along the body and the number of platelets is reduced It is an indicator that the patient is infected with dengue virus. But if the platelet count is very low low white blood cells concentrated red blood cells low blood pressure together with a rapid pulse It is an indication that the patient is likely to go into a phase of shock that requires immediate admission to the intensive care unit.

How to treat the symptoms of dengue fever

Currently, there is no antiviral drug that can directly destroy dengue fever or dengue virus. Therefore, most treatments are palliative treatment according to the symptoms.

Mainly the use of antipyretic drugs in the paracetamol group. in which the administration of antipyretic drugs is important Try to avoid other antipyretic drugs that may be associated with bleeding disorders, such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

In addition, patients should be monitored and closely observed for symptoms. If the patient has abdominal pain, restlessness or lethargy Cold hands and feet accompanied by a decrease in fever or fainting. Should be rushed to the hospital immediately. before the patient can have shock

How to prevent? away from dengue fever

The best prevention of dengue fever is to be careful not to be bitten by mosquitoes.

For the prevention of Aedes mosquitoes can be done as follows.

Eliminate mosquito breeding sites Avoid water-filled containers, blisters and jars must have a tight lid. Water in containers that hold water such as vases should be changed every 7 days. Abate sand should be added to water blisters and water storage containers at a ratio of 10 g per 100 liters of water and should be reapplied every 2-3 months. Or use mosquito repellent, etc. Wear clothing that is completely covered to reduce the chance of being bitten by mosquitoes. in cases older than 9 years and less than 45 years with a history of Have had hemorrhagic fever before Vaccination once morest other strains of dengue fever may be considered.

There is also another way to prevent dengue that is most talked regarding today is the use of dengue vaccine. The vaccine can be effective and reduce the severity, especially in people who have had dengue before.

“Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease. The symptoms of dengue fever in most cases. Patients usually have a high fever for more than 3 days. There may be spots or red rashes, fatigue, lethargy. If severe, there may be nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain in the right rib area. Preventing dengue fever can be done by “Don’t let mosquitoes bite and don’t let mosquitoes be born” by eliminating the breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

The Ministry of Public Health prepares to enact stricter laws ‘dengue fever’

The Department of Disease Control will inform the provincial communicable disease committees of the 18 provinces to implement intensive dengue prevention control measures over the next four weeks.

Including the establishment of a CDCU plus VCU, an insect-borne disease control unit, consisting of epidemiologists, entomologists and medical technologists. In the provinces that have passed the training courses for disease prevention organized by the Department and coordinated with local administrative organizations To support resources in controlling and preventing dengue fever And if people suspect that they will be sick from dengue fever To see a doctor for a diagnosis. Or ask for more information at the Department of Disease Control hotline, call 1422.

Dr. Sophon Iamsirithavorn Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control explained that the Communicable Diseases Act B.E. 2558 has announced that dengue fever It is a communicable disease that needs to be monitored. But if the number of patients is high and continuous And must increase measures to control the disease to be more intense The Director-General of the Department of Disease Control has the power as specified in Section 9 of the Act to declare a place where dengue fever is spread. as recommended by the academic committee to give power to communicable disease control officers to take action under section 34 in the same way as to control the prevention of dangerous communicable diseases like COVID-19 in the first 2 years

Section 34(8) will allow local health teams to enter houses, buildings, premises or vehicles where there is or is suspected of having an epidemic outbreak. to watch out Prevent and control disease, such as exploring mosquito larvae eliminate breeding grounds And spray chemicals to kill old mosquitoes in homes, temples, schools, hotels or other places. that may not be able to enter under normal circumstances

While Section 34 (4) (5) (6) also requires the owner of the place to get rid of mosquito larvae. and fixing the environment, such as eliminating garbage, breeding grounds for mosquitoes According to the order of the officer as well

refer:Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University ,Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health andBumrungrad Hospital

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