National Development and Reform Commission: Encourage private enterprises to make good use of innovative tools such as infrastructure REITs to revitalize their existing stock assets

2023-07-24 02:46:36

Securities News, the National Development and Reform Commission held a special press conference on the morning of July 24 to introduce the promotion of private investment. Han Zhifeng, deputy director of the Fixed Assets Investment Department of the National Development and Reform Commission and a first-level inspector, said that our committee always attaches importance to and actively encourages private enterprises to participate in the work of revitalizing stock assets. The first is to encourage private enterprises to make good use of innovative tools such as infrastructure REITs to revitalize their existing stock assets; the second is to encourage private enterprises to optimize their development models, by revitalizing their stock assets, to accelerate capital turnover and improve capital utilization efficiency without increasing their debt ratios, and to invest in new energy and other industries with large development potentials;

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