Choosing the Right Electronic Invoicing Platform: A Guide for Accountants

2023-07-23 20:42:10

On July 1, 2024, all companies, regardless of their size, will have to be able to receive electronic invoices by collecting them from dedicated platforms. They will have to choose between public invoicing portal (PPF), partner dematerialization platform (PDP) and dematerialization operator (OD). How can accountants help them make the right choice?

PPF or PDP: what are the differences?

The PPF, minimum public service for electronic billing

The PPF is an important player in the future architecture of electronic invoicing. He will indeed have to manage the centralized directory which references the platforms chosen by the companies, in order to send the invoices to the right recipient. It will also offer a free, but minimal service for depositing, transmitting and receiving invoices or billing data, which will then be sent to the tax authorities.

The PPF is so free, why move towards private and therefore paid platforms?The reform of electronic invoicing should not be seen as a constraint, but rather as an opportunity for firms to automate bookkeeping and rethink their service offering. To move towards a minimal solution, although free, is to take the risk of missing out on this opportunity for transformation and the associated productivity gains.

The obligation of electronic invoicing is also a lever for simplifying the management of firms, thanks to the additional services that will be offered by the PDPs, and in particular those relating to payments, the management in the same solution of customers subject and not subject to it, or even the management of the reliable audit trail, via the sealing and legal archiving of invoices.

PDPs, a security guarantee and additional services

On the contrary, PDPs make it possible to make electronic invoicing a lever for transforming the practice.

First by opening up to the ecosystem of the profession and interoperability with business solutions used daily by accounting firms. This is particularly the case for, thought by and for the profession.

Then thanks to the security guarantees provided by the audit and certification of PDPs, which must comply with ISO 27001 and SecNumCloud standards. At ECMA, at the service of the profession, the security and confidentiality of data are an absolute priority. on the way to becoming PDP of the Chartered Accountant Profession

Faced with the major challenge represented by the deadline of 2024/2026 for the Profession, the teams of ECMA, a satellite of the National Council of the Order of Chartered Accountants (CNOEC) are actively preparing and has therefore clearly positioned itself as a candidate for obtaining this status.

The added value provided by the platform compared to other PDPs and the PPF is substantial. was developed in the interest of the Profession in consultation with chartered accountants and is not limited to simple tax obligations: it also incorporates additional features to simplify the daily life of its users. For example, fully integrated into the profession’s ecosystem, offers high value-added services such as on-board payment for customers and suppliers, automatic or workflow validation of invoices, management of outstandings, etc.

What are the next steps? In the short term, an interoperability experiment via Peppol with other PDP candidates is being prepared. In addition, has applied for the pilot phase as team leader with a large ecosystem made up of VSEs/SMEs, accounting firms and partner ODs to carry out the interoperability tests with the PPF in January 2024.

PDPs will finally be able to offer extended services to businesses and firms: creation of sales invoices, payment of supplier invoices, provision of a dashboard for monitoring customer and supplier opportunities, etc. So many features that open up a field of missions for chartered accountants.

What do you give OD?

ODs will play a role in the future architecture of electronic invoicing. However, these operators cannot be autonomous and will necessarily have to connect to a PPF or a PDP. Furthermore, given the absence of audit and approval, the data processing conditions or the functional scope of the solution will be defined contractually, OD by OD.

The criteria to take into account to make your choice

Under these conditions, how to choose your PDP? Among the factors to consider are:

interoperability with the firm’s accounting and invoicing solutions; accessibility to VSEs and SMEs; payment management; the possibility of offering value-added services to the firm’s clients; data security and processing conditions.

See you on September 28 and 29, 2023 Montpellier!

ECMA teams will be present at the 78th Congress of the Order of Chartered Accountants, Montpellier on stand R177 with a space dedicated to electronic invoicing to hold demos continuously and answer all your questions on the obligation of electronic invoicing and the functions of

Take part in a PDP, PPF and OD workshop: Which electronic invoicing platform to choose? hosted by Benjamin RoyouxDirector of ECMA, and Cdric Ribeiroexpert accountant au sein du cabinet Adezio. His goal ? To help you understand the subtleties of this reform and its various actors, to ensure a simple and effective transition within your firm.

We are pleased to give you a preview of the dates and times of this workshop, which will be held on September 28 and 29 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Watch for the opening of registrations, places are limited!

At the service of the Accounting Profession, jefacture.comis a major player in the generalization of the electronic invoice announced by the public authorities.

jefacture.combrings benefits to the firm: saving time and productivity, opportunity to diversify its missions… and its clients: reduction of costs and administrative tasks, simplification of exchanges with the firm, better management of invoices and their payment,…

#Electronic #invoice #PPF #PDP #advantages #disadvantages



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