Envy that “Oppenheimer” can meet Einstein in his time

2023-07-23 09:09:46
Film: Oppenheimer Screening version: Imax Viewing date: July 22, 112, 19:00

Presenting the psychological feeling of “Oppenheimer” through visual and sound effects

Director Nolan used many physical images and sounds in the movie, including light spots, flames, trampling sounds, explosions, etc., to lead the audience to feel Oppenheimer’s heart more intuitively.

As a psychologist, these scenes describing the state of mind seem to reproduce the daily counseling work, leading me to sort out “Oppenheimer’s unspeakable emotions in charge of the Manhattan Project”, and try to see all the big and small things he may encounter with the eyes of a top physicist.

See “Oppenheimer” indulging in the charm of physics from “reading the original”

In the movie, there is a dialogue between Oppenheimer and a certain character. In the impression, the two are discussing a certain physical term. After both parties insisted that they have met several times, Oppenheimer said in a relaxed but confident manner, “I am reading the German manuscript”, and the other party stopped arguing instantly.

This shows how devoted Oppenheimer is to the research of physics.

There is a reason for saying this. Anyone who has obtained the qualification of a psychologist must complete a master’s thesis. During the research period, he will read professional books at home and abroad, empirical research, and the latest published papers.

However, not everyone will seriously “do research”.

I am a psychologist who “just happens” to like to do research (many psychologists are actually very resistant to writing papers). During the writing of the thesis, I insisted on reading as much as possible the first-hand information (also known as the original text).

I would say: If a person really likes a certain field or research, he will really read all the materials in that field carefully and carefully, because curiosity will make you want to find the answer. I believe that Oppenheimer’s achievements are not only due to his natural intelligence, but also his acquired devotion is also an important factor for him to be so extraordinary!

Envy that “Oppenheimer” can meet Einstein in his time

There is thunder! ! ! If you haven’t seen the movie, please don’t read on! ! !

Ten minutes before the end of the movie, the director took the audience back to the scene where Oppenheimer had a conversation with Einstein at the beginning of the movie. In that shot, Einstein told Oppenheimer with a “eye that sees through the world and politics” that “you think you understand, but you are actually starting to experience everything I have experienced”, telling the audience that the three-hour movie was all finished in the first shot.

Secondly, in the process of developing the atomic bomb, there was a key calculation result that showed that the continuous chemical effect might trigger the crisis of global extinction. Oppenheimer immediately sought the opinion of Einstein when he learned regarding it, and only by listening to the opinion of this physicist who might rival himself, might he make a correct judgment with peace of mind.

From the discussion of the above two lenses, it is not difficult to find that the two top physicists have a sense of competition between the times, but at the same time they cherish each other because of the same background.

Returning to the field of vision of a psychologist, I am very envious that Oppenheimer can meet the Einstein of his time.

In a person’s life, if you can meet someone who understands you, even if life is not easy, you can still survive, because you know that there is another person in this world who understands you and understands you. You are not alone, you are not alone.

Expectation: We can all meet our own Einsteins in our own time zones.

#Envy #Oppenheimer #meet #Einstein #time



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