2023-07-23 08:55:57
Human activity, in recent years, has hit the planet like a bucket of cold water, and we just have to see all the damage that we have caused in an “unconscious” way.
Today, we will talk regarding a subject to which almost no one pays due attention, but which is truly crucial for all of us who inhabit the planet, and for it in general.
Scientists say that planet Earth, our home, has already entered the Anthropocene stage. Does this word ring a bell? And a lake in Canada is the main object that they will study, since in it the water that is in its depths is not mixed with that of the surface.
It was known that the Earth was in the Holocene, a period that began more than 10,000 years ago, according to the Sernageomin Geological Museum, same period that saw humanity develop in the world.
So far so good, but when we say that “it was known that the Earth was in the Holocene” it is because it is now firmly believed that our planet abandoned this stage, to move on to another, and this other is the Anthropocene.
What is the Anthropocene?
According to the UNESCOthis term has been created to< designar las repercusiones que tienen en el clima y la biodiversidad, tanto la rápida acumulación de gases de efecto invernadero como los daños irreversibles ocasionados con el consumo excesivo de recursos naturales >>
At first glance, this word “Anthropocene” does not seem of great concern because we hardly know it, but reading the previous paragraph… Do you realize how alarming it is to enter this stage?
<< Se considera que todavía no hay una prueba suficiente de esa ruptura, a pesar de que se ha constatado desde 1850 la presencia de carbono antrópico en los sedimentos >> of geological epochs, mentions the UNESCO.
Canada’s Crawford Lake
The lake that we mentioned before is called Crawford and it presents microplastics and remains of nuclear activities in its sediments, it is for this reason that it will be the main focus of attention for investigations.
This place has not been the only one that presents this type of affectation in its sediments, since the damage is understood throughout the world, since there is also knowledge of a region of China, in which a crater presents almost the same signs.
There is no doubt that the human footprint, in its passage through the world, has brought many consequences for the planet, no matter how hard we try to deny it or avoid it, sadly we end up falling into that cycle of unconsciously destroying our beautiful Earth.
We might think that, if we are really entering this stage of the Anthropocene, there is no return or remedy to help our planet not be so affected, but it is always better to act before things really start to get too bad.
For now, we will continue to be very attentive, closely monitoring the investigations and results that the researchers provide.
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