Joseph Kessel: The Adventurous Life of a Great Reporter and Novelist

2023-07-23 09:24:16

Sunday 23/Jul/2023 at 11:24 – Updated at 11:24

By La Provence Jean-Rémi BARLAND

Write, love and live… such was the motto of Joseph Kessel (1898-1979), great reporter, adventurer, author of amazing novels, explorer of the world and of human nature, witness of his time who crossed the 20th century with an inextinguishable thirst for life (and drink).

Alone on stage, Franck Desmedt, already remarkable with Daguerre, Marcel Aymé, Eric-Emmanuel Schmidt, Kundera or Céline, brings it to life by giving himself body and soul during a single on stage written with subtlety and biographical precision by Mathieu Rannou, who also directs it. Stunningly authentic, this moment of theater magnificently lit by Laurent Béal and enriched with flamboyant costumes that we owe to Virginie H. makes us discover a man, a destiny, a work in the light of Kessel’s encounters with the world and his fellows.

We hear the voice of an adventurer, with often striking humor: “Russians only drink alcohol in two circumstances: when they eat, and when they don’t.” ; “There are two things you never stop: a man thirsty for freedom, and a thirsty Russian…I am both” ; “Portugal in dress shoes, it’s Everest in stilettos”or : “the sun goes down…me never”.

We also discover the words of Bogart inviting Kessel to a drinking contest, de Gaulle encouraging him to compose what will be “Le chant des partisans”, Jeanson welcoming him to the Académie-Française, Monfreid drawing slender notes from a harpsichord when Kessel is regarding to write “Fortune Carré”.

Without forgetting Pierre Lazareff and the project of a film around the Afghan horsemen, and hilarious moment Francis Huster, affectionately imitated, extolling his own glory and that of the author of the “Lion”. Franck Desmedt who is Kessel and all the others sign more than a performance. He embodies, he subjugates and in this play which is certainly not a biopic he shows a man inconsolable by the death of his brother Lazare, and who, in love with women and the Land of Men, suggested that the most beautiful adventure is always the one he has not (yet) experienced. Remarkable and dazzling.

Kessel, freedom at all costs

At the current theatre, 80 rue Guillaume Puy

Until July 29 at 3:55 p.m. No class on July 24.

Full price 22 euros. Reduced price: 15 euros.

Reservations: 07 89 74 54 00 or 06 81 81 08 78

#Kessel #freedom #costs #man #destiny #acting #performance

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