July 23, 1958: The nuclear-powered American submarine “Nautilus” begins its journey under the pack ice of the North Pole (the dive begins on August 1)

2023-07-22 22:52:34

Under Sunday, July 23, the book of history records, among other things:

1373: The Swedish order founder Birgitta (Brigitta), one of the great mystics of the Middle Ages, dies in Rome. The “Nordic Seer” was already canonized in 1391.
1588: In the English Channel, the English Navy inflicts heavy losses on the Spanish Armada, which had the task of conquering the island with 123 ships and a crew of 30,000 men.
1683: Turkish siege of Vienna: the attackers attacked the Burgbastei for the first time.
1793: The Free State of “Mainz Republic” is dissolved again after an intervention by anti-French coalition troops.
1793: British troops occupy Corsica.
1923: After social unrest, the Prussian government issued a general ban on open-air gatherings.
1933: After massive interventions by Adolf Hitler, the Protestant church elections in Germany bring strong majorities for the “German Christians” loyal to the Nazis in the synods.
1948: The Constituent Assembly in Bangkok again decides to name the state Thailand (“land of the free”) – instead of Siam. The name designation had already been decided in 1939, but not recognized internationally.
1953: The Dutch parliament ratifies the treaty on the (unrealized) European Defense Community.
1958: Start of the journey of the nuclear-powered American submarine “Nautilus” under the pack ice of the North Pole (start of the diving trip on August 1st).
1968: A series of spectacular plane hijackings by Palestinians begins with the hijacking of an Israeli airliner by an Arab commando to Algiers.
2003: The Turkish government adopts a reform package to curb the army’s influence on politics and society.

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birthdays: Milan Stojadinovic, jug. politician (1888-1961); Raymond Chandler, US writer (1888-1959); Elio Vittorini, Italian writer (1908-1966); Michael Foot, British politician (Labour) (1913-2010); Raisa Orlova-Kopelev, Russian writer (1918-1989); Janheinz Jahn, German writer (1918-1973); Hubert Selby, US writer (1928-2004); Richard Rogers, British architect (1933-2021); Raimund Abraham, Austria Architect (1933-2010); Götz George, German actor (1938-2016); Irina Liebmann, German writer (1943); Aaron Peirsol, Former US Swimmer (1983).
days of death: Sir Henry Hallet Dale, British physician; Nobel Prize 1936 (1875-1968); Vladimir Dudintsev, Russian writer (1918-1998); Kurt Furgler, Switzerland. Politician (1924-2008).
name days: Bridget, Liborius, Appolinaris, Brigitte, Alberta, Sidonie, Britta.

#July #nuclearpowered #American #submarine #Nautilus #begins #journey #pack #ice #North #Pole #dive #begins #August

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