Businesswoman Sada Goray Arrested in Corruption Scandal: Discoveries, Bribes, and International Connections

2023-07-22 19:30:00

At the beginning of July, during the arrest of businesswoman Sada Goray upon her arrival in Peru, the prosecutor’s team made a significant discovery: a black backpack in her room. According to a document released by Latina this Thursday, the bag contained USD 4,890 and S/ 1,500. She was on a bed at the Costa del Sol hotel, near the Jorge Chávez airport, where the person involved in the corruption scandal spent her last hours in freedom.

The representatives of the Public Ministry counted, strictly speaking, 15 bills of S/100.00, one of USD 50.00, seven of USD 10.00, five of USD.1.0, and 17 of USD. 5.0, four of USD 20.00, 46 of USD 100.00, two bills of five thousand Colombian pesos and one more than ten thousand pesos. The official letter mentions that the money was photocopied and returned to the “technical defense with the authorization of the investigated”.

Goray, involved in a bribery network denounced in the government of former President Pedro Castillo (2021-2022), also had an identity card from the Dominican Republic, which expires in October 2024 and records a residence address in Punta Cana, his fourth property, along with that of Surco, Trujillo and Tampa (United States).

Tax report on Sada Goray. Photo: Latina

The tax report also contains a manuscript that reads lines such as “effective collaboration agreement”, “president Peru on the way”, “serving the poor”, or words of admiration for the senior prosecutor Marita Barreto, coordinator of the Special Team once morest Power corruption, which is investigating her case.

During the procedure that ended with her capture, the businesswoman admitted that it was a New Year cabal. The list was seized by the Public Ministry, whose findings have been made public while the Judiciary evaluates the prosecutor’s request for 36 months of preventive detention.

Before Judge Raúl Justiniano Romero, in charge of the Eighth Preparatory Investigation Court of the National Superior Court, magistrate Freddy Niño explained that Goray had offered 10 million soles to former adviser Salatiel Marrufo and former minister Geiner Alvarado.

According to the thesis of the Public Ministry, it would be an additional amount to the 5,400,000 soles that he gave through the journalist Mauricio Fernandini, for which he would sell one of his properties in Piura.

Goray has already declared that Marrufo told him that part of the bribes were intended to “fulfill political commitments,” as well as “the payroll” of the former president and his brothers.

“He [Marrufo] He said that he was in charge of obtaining his monthly payroll of 175,000 soles for the president, he told me that he would give 10,000 soles a month from that money to each of his brothers and the difference would be delivered” to Castillo, he told the prosecutor’s team.

He also explained that the closest circle of the former president, the third of nine siblings and the son of illiterate farmers, referred to him as “twenty-three”, and that they called money “coffee” as a code.

In the same statement, he referred to the delivery of $20,000 to Marrufo, through a check cashed by a third party, for the purchase of a truck from a Castillo nephew.

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At another time, the businesswoman said that she learned that Castillo requested money from Félix Chero before he was Minister of Justice for the release of his nephews, Fray and Gianmarco (one a fugitive to date and the other accused).

Sada Goray and her wishes found by the Prosecutor’s Office: “President Peru”, “everyone admiring me”, “serving the poor” and more | Judiciary

“On March 3, 2022, Marrufo was urged to cancel the quota for the president’s payroll for March. He asked me, however, to give him 500,000 soles that month. He told me that the president had asked the former minister, Félix Chero, for this money so that the judge would release his nephews, ”he said.

Chero was sworn in on March 19 before the resignation of his predecessor and accompanied Castillo until his failed self-coup. Marrufo, meanwhile, resigned in August 2022 from the Cabinet of Advisors of the Housing office. Days later, according to Goray, he rang his cell phone. They agreed to meet at the exclusive restaurant La Cuadra de Salvador, in San Isidro.

“We met and he told me: ‘you are the only person who has treated me well, I am never going to talk regarding you, I am not going to mention you,'” the businesswoman recalled. The appointment did not last more than ten minutes. Now, almost a year later, Goray is preliminarily detained for the alleged commission of the crime of criminal organization.

His capture occurred at the Jorge Chávez airport, when he returned to the country from the United States to give his testimony before the Team of Prosecutors once morest Power Corruption (EFFICCOP).

At the same time, the authorities also arrested the journalist Mauricio Fernandini, who is accused of acting as an intermediary in the payment of bribes. Both are considered key pieces in unraveling the complex plot led by Castillo, the alleged leader of a criminal network, who is serving a preliminary prison term of 36 months for this case, and another 18 for charges of rebellion and conspiracy.

#Sada #Goray #backpack #full #money #arrested #Peru #carrying #USD

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