Meeting the Demand: Medicine and Nursing Studies in Alicante and Elche

2023-07-22 19:00:12

“There are students to have a Faculty of Medicine in Alicante and Elche”Alex Dominguez

Jose Antonio Rovirateacher of Department of Applied Economics and Policy Economic in the University of Alicante, dominates educational management: He was General Director of Personnel from 2001 to 2007 in the department that will direct the next 4 years; and territorial director of Education in Alicante in 2013 and 2014. You will also have to take care of Universities and Employment. As soon as he took possession, he advanced the reform of the Law of multilingualism and the recovery of powers for the Inspection educational.

A difficult time to manage universities…

I know that the universities have had some problems with the financing plan, which is a bit up in the air. We are going to approach it seeing from a budgetary point of view what situation we are in. It will be necessary to sit down, see the needs, study it and negotiate.

The need for an economic plan is something that the rectors of Alicante and Elche agree on despite their differences due to the new studies.

They have had some friction because the Botànic has made some decisions that one of the parties does not seem to like. We will try to redirect these things. It is not good that the universities are in conflict. They have to go side by side and above all try to be as complementary as possible. In the end, it will be necessary to sit down and talk, and with the will of all parties to reach agreements.

University of Alicante: 1,643 applications in Medicine for only 86 places

The main friction is the recovery of Medicine studies in Alicante next year. Is there a student body to have two medical schools running smoothly in the province?

A priori it seems that due to the demand for studies, there are students to have a faculty in Alicante and Elche. There is a lot of demand from students to access university health studies in both Medicine and Nursing. I believe that the Administration must and must attend to the requests if there is a demand. In addition, the labor market and the health market need professionals.

“What the Botànic has done is a bit surprising, that it has authorized Medicine in Alicante and has not authorized Nursing at the UMH. A priori it does not seem very fair”

Jose Antonio Rovira. councilor

Do you understand the discomfort of the UMH following the rejection to teach Nursing?

What the Botànic has done is a bit surprising, that it has authorized Medicine in Alicante and has not authorized Nursing at the UMH. It seems that the Botanic and Ximo Puig are partly to blame for causing this confrontation. He gives a thing to one and the other who asks for something that costs much less does not give it to him. A priori that does not seem very fair.

Medicine is once more the most demanded career at the UMH with 894 applications for 137 places

Does it mean that they will value giving Nursing to Elche?

If the UMH continues to request Nursing, of course we will study it, as we will do with all the requests that there are and more in an area such as health where there is a very important social demand for studies and with a high employability rate. We have to allocate public money to areas where it bears fruit, and the sanitation sector may now be, together with engineering, one of the ones with the most. Universities cannot become factories for the unemployed. It is good that the sanitary areas are being developed, and there is also a need for sanitary personnel.

The Generalitat denies the UMH the implementation of Nursing and the rector explodes: “It is unjustifiable”

What plans do you have for FP, which has a waiting list in some branches?

There is demand in some cycles with a high employability index but they cannot find teachers because a teacher, perhaps in Computer Science, who is going to teach classes in Spanish and English basically, is being required a barbaric linguistic requirement. We are going to address that. It makes sense to ask a teacher for knowledge of Valencian as a requirement, but perhaps it is not necessary for a computer science teacher who is basically going to work in English. We might expand the number of cycles. If employers are demanding certain professions, we must make an investment effort in training in those professions, and perhaps there are other specialties that are not in such high demand for which perhaps an excessive effort is being made. We must unite education, professional training and universities with employment. A chain, that is why it is the ministry of the future.

“There is demand in some cycles with a high employability index but they cannot find teachers because a teacher, perhaps in Computer Science, who is going to teach classes in Spanish and English basically, they are demanding a barbaric linguistic requirement”

Jose Antonio Rovira. councilor

In educational matters, he has said that the Inspectorate will recover powers. Which is it?

The Educational Inspectorate must determine the templates of the centers and those functions had been removed. The Inspectorate must supervise the educational system from a professional point of view, not at all political and ideological, because they are, let’s say, the highest rank of teachers and they are the ones who must coordinate those policies. There is a problem, the dates we are on. August in Education is of little activity and we have there the beginning of the course, which I hope that the previous leaders of the Ministry have perfectly prepared. I trust that the first day of class all teachers will be in their workplace. Although this year’s schooling process has already been completed, we are going to propose the necessary measures to return to the single school district in all cities. Our point of view is that those who have to decide what type of education the children should have are the parents and not the administration. In the educational issue we believe in the freedom of parents to choose, that will be the axis that leads us to all decisions.

Another image of the new Minister of Education, Universities and Employment

Unions, federations of parents and associations of directors ask that the Edificant plan be maintained. What are they going to do?

What the Administration has done so far with the Edificant Plan is to shift the responsibility for the construction of schools to the municipalities. That they advance the money and then the Ministry is the one that little by little returns it. It should be the Generalitat that builds these centers. We will have to see the budget availability we have. It seems that the first reports of the economic situation in which the Botànic de la Generalitat leaves us are not very encouraging, but we are going to study it. If the town halls, which are collaborating in developing regional competitions for the construction of centres, want to continue collaborating, we are delighted.

The Consell invests 55 million in eleven schools for the next academic year in the province of Alicante

Could it be that it becomes a public company to build schools like Ciegsa? (He ended up in court for a million-dollar hole in cost overruns)

We did not initially bet on that. The Popular Party does not like public companies, we are going to reduce their number in the Administration to which, as President Mazón has promised, we do not want to gain more weight but rather remove a little fat.

But that company was created by the PP…

This company was created at a time when the processing of projects and hiring in the Ministry were very slow. A public company was created to streamline these processes because the will of the PP was to quickly build infrastructures that were not ready. All those centers in development of the then current LOGSE were made by the Popular Party. Really, in the 8 years of the Botànic hardly anything has been done. If later in that company some people have committed some irregularity, let them be tried and if they have reached into the box, I don’t know, let them go to jail. The judges will have to determine it.

The Courts conclude that Ciegsa had 500 million extra costs during the management of the popular

Another union request is that there be fewer students per classroom…

It seems that nothing has been done in these 8 years, but I have not seen union or parental or association demonstrations. I have seen absolutely nothing, everything worked perfectly. When the course began, no year was it hot in the classrooms, it seems, I have not seen any protest or take the children out into the yard and things like that. We’ll see what happens this year, it should be the same. The Botanic has governed this Community for eight years, we will study what they have done, if they have done anything. If not, we will do things in order, properly, as we did at the time, because the school infrastructure that exists in this Community is basically what the PP did.

Gymnastics in the shade, more stops to drink or fans running to combat the heat in the classrooms of the province of Alicante

New stage at the head of the Council of the former territorial director in Alicante

It is also demanded to maintain the template decree, which has just been signed (creation of 1,500 teaching positions in the province).

We are going to study it because it seems that this decree has been approved quickly and quickly, without the appropriate reports and without them we do not know if there is a cat locked up. The things that a government does when it has lost the elections make me worry. A priori it seems that you want to put a bomb on the one who comes.

“It seems that the template decree has been approved quickly and quickly, without the appropriate reports and without them we do not know if there is something locked up”

Jose Antonio Rovira. councilor

And as for the interns?

A stabilization process has been carried out there, which is still underway. We are going to see the results but I have always thought that the best way is for there to be an adequate offer of employment every year for Primary, Secondary and other specialties, an ordinary system of oppositions. The staff of teachers has to be the necessary one.

More than 6,000 interim take part in the opposition to stabilize teachers in Alicante

Are you concerned regarding student mental health?

It is a topic that worries us a lot and when you are not an expert you have to surround yourself with people who know regarding these issues. On the day of the inauguration, the Minister of Health and I were talking regarding this issue. There are psychologists in the centers and I want to see the staff to improve. We are going to go hand in hand with Health and Education, jointly study the resources, see what is needed and reinforce. It is the goal.

The new Consell analyzes from the legal point of view that the school councils can take the measure through a transitory provision

The new minister wants to solve as soon as possible what he considers a hole in the Plurilingualism Law, such as the fact that students from Spanish-speaking areas that are exempt by law are forced to study subjects in Valencian.

What is the main pending issue in education, in your opinion?

We are going to try to reverse little by little some policies and decisions mainly from commitment. The objectives that they had in this department are diametrically opposed to those that we are going to have from the Popular Party. We are very concerned regarding the training of young people, more than linguistic immersion, which has been the great objective of educational policy in these two legislatures. that’s why we’re going to reform the Plurilingualism Law, we believe that it should be the parents who choose in which language their children study. Those young people who want to study in Valencian will be able to do so, and those who want to study in Spanish will also be able to do so. That does not mean that we believe that it is good for all Valencians to know Valencia, since it unites us all and enriches us.

Then they consider that it has not been done well…

The 1983 Law of Use and Teaching of Valencian It allows, and this has not been changed, that in those Spanish-speaking areas of the Community, parents can request an exemption from the Valencian subject. I have not yet managed to understand that Compromís and the Botànic have forced these children, allowing them to be exempt from this subject, which on the other hand I believe that all young people in this Community should know; and at the same time obliges them to give a minimum of 25% of the subjects in Valencian. In a language from which they are allowed to be exempt. That is a real barbarity. There is the paradox that a child from Pilar de la Horadada or Requena does not have the Valencian subject but takes History and Mathematics in Valencian. In non-exempt areas the charge is higher.

What action are they going to take?

We are legally studying that even this next academic year, the school councils can suspend, by means of a transitory measure, this imposition on children and young people who are exempt from studying Valencian by a Llei d’Ús i Ensenyament del Valencià of 1983 that surely must also be sat down to review. It would be with a transitional provision of the Plurilingualism Law for this course only. The Valencian and his knowledge enrich but his imposition does not. What we say is that It is not regarding imposing percentages, but that whoever wants to can study 100% of the subjects in Valencian and whoever wants in Spanish, in this case, 90% in this language and the Valencian subject, which would be the remaining 10%. Knowledge of Valencian and freedom of choice for parents. We also want to eliminate bureaucracy from schools, which must be dedicated to teaching.

#students #Faculty #Medicine #Alicante #Elche



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