The cafe is scheduled to open in October. Interior work has finally started![Kazuma Anzai Blog]

2023-07-18 12:00:00

It’s summer, so I want to go somewhere cool.

Also, I want to eat eel.


In my last blog, I briefly touched on the opening of a new cafe, so I will write regarding it.

My name is “Cafe in Me.”

The nearest station is regarding 7 minutes on foot from Nishi-Chiba Station on the JR Sobu Line.

In front of the main gate of Chiba University, along Gakuen Street.

It is scheduled to open in October of this year.

The interior work has finally started, and preparations are progressing steadily.

The wall framework was done.

The space in front of the photo is a cafe, and the back is a beauty salon.

I am in charge of the shop as the person in charge of the cafe!

It’s a messy day.

Right or left, front or back, I am rushing without knowing the correct answer.

I’m doing my best to cling desperately.

It was more than I imagined that building a shop from scratch would take so much energy.

I now feel that I am having a wonderful experience.

This is in the process of stripping the floor carpet.

It’s very

The construction is scheduled to be completed at the end of July, so I’m afraid it’s finally over.

It looks like it’s going to be a fun summer.

We will update various information until OPEN, so

I would be happy if you might check it out on Instagram too.

View this post on Instagram

Posts shared by in Me. (Cafe) (@inme._cafe)


#cafe #scheduled #open #October #Interior #work #finally #startedKazuma #Anzai #Blog



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