2023-07-21 14:11:02
Oats are among the most complete cereals to be included in the diet for all the benefits that the body generates thanks to its high content of minerals and amino acids.
To prepare the oatmeal water you must have the following ingredients:
1/2 cup of natural oats. 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon.
For its preparation, you must “mix everything in a blender and wait for the oatmeal water to be perfectly well liquefied, the more liquid the easier it is to ingest. It may be necessary to add more water. Cinnamon gives it a delicious touch of flavor”, says Salud180.
The aforementioned portal recommends taking it daily in the morning to have better results by reducing cholesterol levels.
Better with health points out that oatmeal water is “an excellent support for those people who have decided to adopt a diet to lose weight in a healthy way. Its significant contribution of fiber acts as a metabolic regulator, whose function is to improve the body’s ability to lose weight more easily. Fiber positively influences weight loss, as confirmed by this study conducted by Umeå University in Sweden”.
The Better To Health website recommends taking oat juice on an empty stomach for “at least one month straight.” The benefit of taking it is the feeling of being satisfied and its contribution of fiber and nutrients to the body throughout the day of activities.
Oatmeal water can be prepared in several ways. | Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto
Oatmeal water contains large amounts of dietary fiber which, together with its antioxidants, help minimize the absorption of lipids and sugars in the intestine. | Photo: Getty Images
“Of course, it cannot be considered as a substitute for common water, although it is true that it will also serve to keep the body hydrated and full of energy,” says Mejor con salud.
According to the Free Recipes portal, oatmeal water not only provides benefits when looking to lose weight in a healthy way, it also “nourishes the body and tissues. Thanks to its mineral contributions such as iron, sodium, zinc, potassium, folic acid, among others, which keep tissues firm during weight loss.
How does glucose control benefit?
For this reason, it is considered one of the best foods for the diet of diabetics. Although this must be accompanied by a daily exercise routine and a balanced diet.
In addition, it is of great help to promote hydration, while regulating blood sugar, since these benefits are associated with its high fiber content and low glycemic index.
Avena | Foto: Getty Images
Tips to keep glucose at bay
The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) give some recommendations that may be useful to keep blood glucose levels at bay:
Eat breakfast properly: The CDC maintains that skipping the first meal of the day can be negative for the well-being of the organism. In fact, they point out that fasting can cause the amount of sugar to rise following consuming other meals such as lunch and dinner. The dawn phenomenon: The medical source also indicates that patients tend to have higher blood sugar in the morning, even those who are not diabetics. So it’s important to be careful regarding what you eat at this time of day. Sleep well: Although not often considered, the CDC warns that “even one night of very little sleep can make your body use insulin less effectively.” Avoid stress: Diabetes and mental health are closely related. According to the CDC, people who experience episodes of stress may be more likely to neglect their health. Likewise, they indicate that being stressed causes some hormones to increase that can have a direct impact on sugar levels. Drink water and stay hydrated: Drinking water instead of sodas or sugary juices can help prevent glucose from rising and, at the same time, reduce the risk of dehydration. The formula is simple, as noted by the CDC, the lower the level of water in the body, the higher the sugar levels.
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