Massive Losses in Ukrainian Counteroffensive: Putin Declares Difficulty in Recruiting New Soldiers

2023-07-21 14:01:00

10:17 GMT, July 21, 2023

Units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have suffered huge losses amounting to tens of thousands of people as part of their counter-offensive, and Kiev is finding it increasingly difficult to bring a new contingent to the front, Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared.

Lea in Sputnik

“As a result of suicide attacks, the formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have suffered huge losses [en el marco de la contraofensiva]. They are tens of thousands of people,” Putin told a meeting with the permanent members of the Russian Security Council.

He stressed that despite “constant raids, full mobilization across the country,” kyiv is finding it increasingly difficult to recruit soldiers. Likewise, Putin stressed that the Ukrainian counteroffensive bears no fruit. “There are no results, at least until now there have not been any,” she stressed.

He added that it is clear that Western curators in kyiv they are disappointed with the results of the so-called counteroffensive, which the current Ukrainian authorities loudly proclaimed in previous months. Kiev is not helped by the supply of weapons, tanks, artillery, or the mercenaries and foreign advisers that have been used to fight Russia, Putin stressed.

“Neither the colossal resources that have been invested in the Kiev regime, nor the supply of weapons, tanks, artillery, armored vehicles, Western missiles help. Neither the deployment of thousands of mercenaries and foreign advisers who have been used in the most active way in attempts to break through the front of our Army, “said the Russian president.

“Western weapons can still be supplied and thrown into battle. This, of course, causes us some damage and prolongs the conflict,” Putin stressed.

At the same time, he stressed that the arsenal of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), as well as the depots of old Soviet weapons “are already largely depleted in some states.”

“Existing production capacities in the West do not allow to quickly replenish the consumption of equipment and ammunition reserves (by Ukraine). More and more resources and time are needed,” he stressed.

Ukraine has touted its “counteroffensive” since late 2022. It was first scheduled for the Northern Hemisphere spring, then relocated for the summer. kyiv argued that the postponement was due to arms shortagewhile pressured its western financiers so they would supply ever heavier weapons, including tanks, drones, and fighter jets.

The Ukrainian offensive on the southern Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Artiomovsk lines of operations began on 4 June. kyiv deployed NATO-trained brigades armed with Western technology, including much-touted tanks Leopard 2.

“Ukraine was predestined to be defeated during the counteroffensive”

On July 11, the Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, announced that kyiv would not he achieved his goals in no directionand their losses exceeded 26,000 troops, 1,244 tanks, 21 aircraft, five helicopters, 176 shells from US Himars systems, 27 Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles, and 483 UAVs.

Possible aggressive action once morest Belarus

Any possible aggressive action by Ukraine once morest Belarus will mean aggression once morest Russia, Putin warned.

“As for Belarus, it is part of the Union State [con Rusia]. Unleashing an aggression once morest Belarus will mean an aggression once morest the Russian Federation. We will respond to it with all the means at our disposal,” he declared.

On July 17, the Belarusian State Border Committee reported the interception on its territory of a Ukrainian reconnaissance drone.

In turn, the spokesman for the Ukrainian Border Guard Service, Andrei Demchenko, said on the same day that Kiev is working to strengthen the border with Belarus as much as possible in order to prepare for any development of events.

Polish and Lithuanian plans to occupy Ukrainian territory

The alleged military union of Lithuania, Poland and Ukrainereported by the media, aims to occupy Ukrainian territory, the Russian president specified.

“That is, it is not regarding some kind of gathering of mercenaries: there are quite a few there and they are being eliminated. It is regarding (…) a regular, well-organized and equipped military unit, which is planned to use the territory of Ukraine for operations, including to allegedly guarantee the security of Western Ukraine but, in fact, if we call things by their name, for the subsequent occupation of these territories,” he said.

“After all, the perspective is obvious: if Polish units enter, for example, Lviv or other Ukrainian territories, they will stay there. And they will stay there forever,” he said.

According to the president, the Polish leaders plan to form a coalition under “the umbrella of NATO” and “intervene directly in the conflict in Ukraine to then ‘rip off’ a bigger piece [del territorio ucraniano]” to “take back, they believe, their historical territories, present-day Western Ukraine. It is well known that they also dream of Belarusian lands.”

“As for the policy of the Ukrainian regime, it is their business. If, as traitors often do, they want to sell something, pay their masters with something, that, I repeat, is ultimately their business. We will not interfere in it,” he stressed.

The Russian leader recalled that at the end of the First World WarPolish units occupied Lviv which then belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and, taking advantage of the “tragedy of the civil war in Russia”, Poland annexed some “historically Russian provinces”.

The Kremlin views with concern Poland’s military reinforcement of its border with Belarus

In his words, today we see that “the Kiev regime is willing to do anything to save its corrupt ‘skin’ and prolong its existence. They do not care regarding the people of Ukraine, their sovereignty or their national interests.”

“They will trade everything: people and land. By the way, like their ideological predecessors, the Petliurists, who in 1920 concluded so-called secret agreements with Poland. In exchange for military support, they gave Poland the lands of Galicia and Western Volhynia. Even today, these traitors are ready to ‘open the gates’ to foreign masters and sell Ukraine once once more,” he said.

The West no longer has enough “Ukrainian cannon fodder” and is thinking of Lithuanians and Poles, the Russian president noted.

“The Polish authorities, concocting their revenge plans, do not tell the truth to their people either. And the truth is that it is clear that the Ukrainian cannon fodder is no longer enough for the West. It is not enough, so they plan to use new consumables: the Poles themselves, the Lithuanians and those who follow on the list. All those who are not worthy of pity, “he lamented.

“This is a very dangerous game, and the authors of such plans should think regarding the consequences,” Putin added.

The director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia (SVR) Sergei Narishkin confirmed Warsaw’s plans to establish control over the western part of Ukraine by deploying his troops there.

“The Polish leadership is more and more determined to impose control over Ukraine’s western territories, the western regions, by deploying its troops there,” Narishkin said.

In this regard, Putin instructed Russia’s foreign intelligence chief to closely monitor Poland’s plans for Ukraine.

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