Reinventing Biology and Aging: Tips from Dr. Mark Hyman to Feel Young Forever

2023-07-21 09:42:00

El doctor Mark Hyman in his book Young Forever invites people to reinvent biology, health, and the aging process. This 63-year-old longevity specialist assured that with some good habits he managed to make his “biological age” 43 years.

“Although we age chronologically, we can still feel young at any age,” he said on his Instagram profile. “Many of us spend the last 20 years of our lives fighting disease and disability. We believe that disease, frailty, and gradual decline are inevitable parts of life. But they are not”he added.

Dr. Mark Hyman has commented that a balanced diet, restful sleep and physical exercise are key to achieving a long and better quality of life.

The doctor affirms that the success to feel young is in eating 75% foods of plant origin without starch and 25% of animal sources. In addition, he recommended avoiding ultra-processed foods such as pizzas, sausages or sausages and better consume vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and fiber that stimulate the immune system.

”Focus on food as medicine. Food is the most powerful drug on the planet. It is always the first thing to start with; it works at any time, for anyone and at any age,” he commented in his book. Furthermore, he added: “Update your diet and biological software with every bite. Your fork is the most powerful tool you have to change your health and your life. Use it wisely.”

Performing seven minutes of intense exercise will help to notice significant improvements in physical condition. “High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, involves working at your maximum capacity for 45 to 60 seconds, then recovering for 3 minutes by walking or jogging slowly, then returning to a very high intensity for another 45 to 60 seconds. Do not be fooled by the short time, ”she assured.

Good sleep hygiene is importantthis means that the person should go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

In addition, he recommended: “You should not have a television in the bedroom: studies show that bright artificial light can disrupt brain activity and alter sleep hormones such as melatonin,” he said.

“There is an easy way to fall asleep more efficiently. About an hour before you go to bed, put your phone to bed. Find a relaxation technique (it might even be a warm bath) that helps you sleep soundly”, he commented.

The doctor recommends trying different relaxation techniques to fall asleep faster Photo: iStock

Meditation is a great way to start and end the day., according to Dr. Mark Hyman. “The effects of chronically high cortisol and other stress hormones on our brains drain brain power and leave us tired, can lead to sickness and weight gain. You don’t need 30 minutes of meditation or an hour-long yoga class to lower those stress hormones. A 2-minute breathing practice, yoga, or meditation exercise can do wonders for your mind and body,” Hyman confirmed.

In addition, to this must be added a good relationship with friends, family and co-workers and deepen your connection with them and help you feel more fulfilled.

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