Study Reveals Over 60% of the World’s Population Engaged in Social Media – Latest Statistical Report

2023-07-20 17:42:39

Posted20. July 2023, 07:42 PM

Study: Over 60% of the world’s population is on social media

Nearly five billion people (4.88 billion) are active on social networks, or 60.6% of the world’s population, according to the quarterly publication of a statistical report on the state of the internet.

47% of global social media users are women.


This level calculated by Kepios, a firm specializing in digital uses, has increased by 3.7% in one year, specifies this report published by the agency We are social and the company Meltwater. At the same time, the year-on-year increase in world population remained below 1%.

The number of socionauts is thus approaching that of Internet users, who represent at least 64.5% of the world’s population (5.19 billion), but growth has slowed sharply since the Covid-19 pandemic.

More than half (53.6%) of global users are men, the report also notes, which recognizes, however, a certain inaccuracy due in particular to automated accounts or people registered under different identities.

Meta followed by the Chinese

Some regions of the world are still in sharp decline: only one person in 11 uses social networks in Central and East Africa. And in India, now the most populous country, less than a third of people are registered on social platforms.

The time spent on social networks has increased by two minutes a day to reach a daily duration of 2 hours and 26 minutes, with large disparities: 3h49 in Brazil, less than an hour in Japan and 1h46 in France.

Social network users frequent more than 7 platforms on average. The American group Meta still appears 3 times among the favorite applications, with Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook. Three Chinese applications follow (Wechat, TikTok and its local version Douyin), then finally Twitter, Messenger and Telegram.


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