Exploring the Significance of Theme Education in the Ministry of Civil Affairs: Insights from Li Bosen, Director of the Geographical Name Research Institute

2023-07-20 11:08:16

Li Bosen, director of the Geographical Name Research Institute of the Ministry of Civil Affairs

At the work conference on studying and implementing the theme of Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to carry out in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the whole party, focusing on leading cadres at or above the county level. The major measures to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China are of great significance for unifying the thinking of the whole party, solving outstanding problems within the party, maintaining the flesh and blood relationship between the party and the people, and promoting the development of the cause of the party and the country. In the theme education, the Institute of Geographical Names of the Ministry of Civil Affairs firmly grasps the general requirements of “learning ideas, strengthening the party spirit, emphasizing practice, and making new achievements”, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the party group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, closely combined with the actual scientific research work of geographical names, and insisting on theoretical study, investigation and research , promoting development, inspection and rectification, and other links are promoted in an integrated manner, with equal emphasis, and strive to achieve tangible results in the aspects of learning to build the soul, learning to increase wisdom, learning to be positive, and learning to promote performance. The political identification, ideological identification, theoretical identification, and emotional identification of the innovative theory of China’s innovative theory have been transformed into the ambition, hard work, and innovative strategies to write a new chapter in the scientific research of Chinese-style modern place names, and make due contributions to promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Deeply comprehend the great significance of carrying out theme education

Carrying out theme education is a soul-casting project that uses the party’s innovative theory to gather strength. In the theme education, the Institute of Place Names uses Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics to condense the heart and soul, insist on the integration of learning, thinking and application, and the unity of knowledge, faith and action, and strive to achieve the actual effect of learning to build the soul and learning to increase wisdom, and earnestly implement Xi Jinping’s new era. The thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been transformed into a powerful force that strengthens ideals, tempers party spirit, guides practice, and promotes work.

Carrying out theme education is the clarion call to encourage party members and cadres to take on their responsibilities, fulfill their duties, and make contributions in the new era. In the theme education, party members and cadres of the Institute of Geographical Names focus on strengthening the cultivation of party spirit, forging the heart of the people, conducting investigations and research, timely benchmarking, solving development problems, enhancing capabilities and skills, stimulating motivation and vitality, and more energetically promoting the realization of scientific research on geographical names. quality development.

Carrying out theme education is a practical action to unswervingly and deeply promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party. Through the development of theme education, education guides party members and cadres to consciously accept political physical examinations and correct behavioral deviations; continue to rectify the “four winds”, consolidate the political ecology of the Geographical Names Research Institute, and unswervingly promote comprehensive and strict party governance in depth develop.

Closely combine with the actual work, and actively promote the theme education to go deep and solid

Theoretical study is often unremitting. One is to focus on independent learning. The leaders of the Place Names Research Institute took the lead in self-study, and all party members and cadres, especially leading cadres above the middle level, strengthened self-study. The second is to hold reading classes. Comprehensively adopt concentrated study seminars, individual self-study, theoretical center group study, theme party day and other forms to hold reading classes for middle-level and above cadres, and study the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the designated study materials. The third is to do regular learning. The central group focuses on learning, “three meetings and one lesson” is often used, “learning test” strengthens memory, youth league activities are promoted simultaneously, warning education is sounding the alarm, true learning, real understanding, writing and other activities are multi-directional, and continue to strengthen the party Armed with innovative theories. In addition, the implementation of the special work of education and rectification of cadres has been promoted by holding warning education conferences, watching warning documentaries, and giving lectures on clean government and party.

The wind of Daxing investigation and research. The first is to determine the research theme and program. Combined with the main responsibilities and main business, the study determined three themes of “place name culture helps rural revitalization”, “standardized spelling of place names in minority languages”, “deepening research on intelligent place name signs, improving service quality of place names”, and formulated specific and feasible research plans. The second is to hold special study sessions. In-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on investigation and research, a deep understanding of the significance of doing a good job in investigation and research, and careful study of the research plan. The third is to coordinate investigation and research. Since mid-May, the leaders of the Institute of Geographical Names have led teams to Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Heilongjiang and other places to conduct research on the standardization of the spelling of ethnic minority language geographical names, the setting and use of smart signs, and the cultural protection, inheritance and application of rural geographical names. Observe the facts and seek practical strategies.

Timely benchmarking table, strengthen inspection and rectification. From the beginning of thematic education, the Institute of Geographical Names has insisted on studying, comparing, inspecting, and rectifying at the same time, requiring party members and cadres to seriously combine the outstanding problems in the six aspects, and combine their own reality to find out the problems, analyze the reasons, and rectify them in a timely manner. Make preparations for carefully holding special democratic life meetings and organizational life meetings. At the same time, in response to the problems identified in the investigation, a rectification list was formulated to clarify the rectification objectives, rectification measures, rectification time limit and lead person in charge, etc., and solidly promote rectification and rectification.

Adhere to problem-oriented and goal-oriented, and strive to achieve the actual results of building the soul with learning, increasing wisdom with learning, correcting the style with learning, and promoting performance with learning

Real learning and real application, concentrating the heart and casting the soul to build a solid foundation. Persevere in using Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics to condense the heart and soul, use designated learning materials and adopt various forms to learn and understand Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and grasp the world outlook, methodology and application of this thought. The standpoint approach that runs through it. In the process of learning, pay attention to putting thoughts, work, and responsibilities in, and deeply understand the truth power of scientific theories in the process of using new ideas, new ideas, and new strategies to study, judge, and solve problems.

Always keep your true colors, temper your character and strengthen your loyalty. Taking the party’s political construction as the guide, political standards and political requirements are run through the work of the party’s construction, and the awareness of political organs is continuously strengthened. Carry out activities such as lectures on special party lectures and review of the oath of joining the party, serious political life within the party, and develop an active and healthy political culture within the party. Take the cadre education and rectification as an opportunity to strengthen political loyalty. Focus on testing the original mission on the front line of scientific research on place names, and build loyalty to the party.

Forge ahead, work hard and take responsibility to promote development. On the one hand, continue to optimize the allocation of place name resources, focus on the application research of place name theory, place name translation, place name informatization, place name sign quality control, place name cultural network platform application, etc., to make a high-quality development platform for place name scientific research, and to be responsible for party members and cadres As a bigger stage. On the other hand, strengthen the political leadership of toponymic research talents, educate and guide scientific researchers to strive for the country and to develop and innovate. Adhere to people-oriented, pay equal attention to incentives and constraints, deepen the reform of the talent development mechanism, create a fair and equal environment, and encourage young scientific researchers to shoulder heavy responsibilities.

Adhere to the original intention and practice the purpose to benefit the people. Party members and cadres of the Institute of Educational Geographical Names practice the work concept of “civil administration for the people, civil administration for the people”, and run practical work for the people throughout the scientific research work on geographical names. Combining responsibilities and functions, study and judge the problems found in the investigation and research, the difficulties and blockages in the scientific research of geographical names, put forward countermeasures or policy suggestions, and improve the ability and level of scientific research of geographical names to serve the people.

Consolidate the red line and establish a new style of integrity and integrity. Strengthen inner-party supervision and daily supervision, focus on key nodes and key positions during holidays to carry out clean government education, and continuously consolidate and expand the spiritual achievements of implementing the eight central regulations and their implementation rules. Adhere to the full coverage of discipline inspection work, and carry out discipline inspection throughout the work of selecting and appointing personnel, inspection and rectification, strict economy, and official vehicles.

The tide is flat and the banks are wide, and the wind is blowing and a sail is hanging. At present, we have embarked on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. We must further carry out thematic education, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, and be confident and self-improving. , Uphold integrity and innovation, work hard, move forward bravely, and make due contributions to promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

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