Brazil is among the countries that rely most on AI

2023-07-19 18:34:55

One study developed by KPMG Australia, in partnership with the University of Queensland, and published by the digital newspaper Poder360, revealed that Brazil occupies the 4th position (56%) among the emerging countries that rely most on AI (Artificial Intelligence), behind only India (75%), China (67%) and South Korea (57%).

According to the survey, 50% of Brazilian companies already use AI, which placed the country in the “top 3” of emerging markets that most employ innovation. China (74%) and India (66%) rank first and second, respectively.

“AI has the potential to transform the way business is conducted, enabling entrepreneurs to leverage large-scale data, automate repetitive tasks and make more informed decisions,” he says. Cristina Bonerbusinesswoman and technology professional.

In Brazil, more than 21 million active companies were registered between January and April this year, as shown by the recent Business Mapcarried out every four months by the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services.

Among the main possibilities of using AI in entrepreneurship, Boner points out that the innovation is useful for task automation, advanced data analysis, personalization and customer experience and fraud detection and security, as well as marketing optimization.

Despite this, from the perspective of the businesswoman, it is necessary to recognize that the use of AI also presents challenges: “Ethical issues, such as privacy and algorithmic bias, must be considered and addressed carefully”.

“In addition”, advances Boner, “the investment in AI tools can be significant, especially for small companies and individual entrepreneurs”, he considers. More than 20 million (regarding 93.7%) of the active enterprises in the country are micro-enterprises or small businesses, according to the Map.

According to 2022 Small Business Atlascarried out by Sebrae (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Companies), micro companies, small companies and MEIs (Individual Micro-entrepreneurs) generate an income of R$ 420 billion a year, regarding R$ 35 billion each month.

For more information, just go to: Cristina Boner (@cristina.boner)


#Brazil #among #countries #rely



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