Pa Niasse: The Indispensable Politician and Retirement Role Model

2023-07-19 22:10:00

Every time it’s like that. When everyone talks regarding a little golden retirement for one of the oldest politicians in our country, each time the name of Pa Niasse reappears. Always in better shape than ever, as long as his friend Big Mack asks him to. He can refuse nothing to Big Mack, Pa Niasse!

And even if he has to take up the chalk and the stick to redirect the terrible kids of the CM2 class of Benno Bokk Yakaar, those who will soon undergo a passing exam, he almost never hesitates despite a few. osteoarthritis and other pains of old age. This is also how for the choice of Bennoo for the next presidential election, he was responsible for hearing the hard-boiled candidates, to avoid first-degree partisan frustrations. The current Prime Minister, Amadou Ba, the President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese), Abdoulaye Daouda, will parade in front of his desk in turn.

Diallo, the Minister of Agriculture, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye, and the Director General of Fonsis, Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr. And beware of those who will make many spelling mistakes or cannot solve their math tests.

Pa Niasse is very strict on this and never makes a noise in public. But in the evening, when their backs are turned and Pa Niasse finds himself alone with Big Mack, “si la niouy khamni yepp deuugue leu”. Trust me!


#Niasse #appointed #General #Supervisor #Presidential



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