Video: Lungau: Students showed great empathy

2023-07-19 22:02:00

Compassion is the name of a social project by 4th graders at the Multiaugustinum in St. Margarethen. The LN took a close look at the “Young helps old” project, including a video.

Samuel Kosakiewic from Mariapfarr is a multi-school student. Technically affine, he naturally knows everything about smartphones and the like. Maria Langer is 90 years old and a resident of assisted living in Mariapfarr. Her great passion, writing and photography, still accompanies her. She would love to be able to send and receive photos to family and friends who live far away.

The interface between the two is Carmen Steinschnack from Diakonie Salzburg. In cooperation with the Salzburger Bildungswerk, it was finally possible this school year to install the “Young helps old” project in Lungau as well. The Multiaugustinum was won as a partner school. “Pupils in the media class support older people so that they can deal with media technology more easily and thus participate more in society. The students did not expect that they would have to start in such a low-threshold manner. Finding a date was also difficult. Nevertheless, they have accepted the challenge and made very valuable experiences. We are still looking for seniors for the coming school year – at the same time we would also like to find seniors who are digitally fit and would like to support other seniors,” says Carmen Steinschnack. Contact: 0664/82 73 421.

“You can never stop learning.”

Finally, ten students – five girls and five boys – worked on the media skills of senior citizens in Lungau. At the very beginning, the project participants were made aware of the risks in online banking and other dangers such as the “nephew trick” by the Raiffeisenbank Lungau and the police prevention agency.

Participant Maria Langer: “You can never stop learning. I was very enthusiastic about the idea. I was very lucky with Samuel. I was in such good hands. He showed so much patience. I was pleasantly surprised. He gave me a hard job I wrote down the most important things on a big piece of paper. I’ve already registered for next season. I really like taking photos. If I can send my family photos digitally, that’s great. Then I save myself the printout and postage,” she says 90 year old.

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If the timetable and Samuel Kosakiewic’s free time allowed, they made an appointment: “Mrs. Langer now uses WhatsApp to send photos. I also explained the alarm clock function – she always takes a nap – to her. The project is good for everyone involved Profit. I was also able to learn new things, especially in dealing with older people.”

Pedagogue Ulrike Fingerlos: “Inhibitions and insecurities were quickly overcome after the first meeting. Thoughts like: ‘Are we understood?’ and ‘How will we fare?’ were, in retrospect, superfluous.”

Finally, on the penultimate day of school, the certificates were ceremonially presented in the presence of a few seniors. Director Klaus Mittendorfer: “Helping each other is what makes us human. That’s why this project is so important to us.”

#Video #Lungau #Students #showed #great #empathy

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