Top Travel Destinations for Belgian Politicians: From Vietnam to Tuscany, Ranking the Best Summer Getaways

2023-07-19 06:33:00

Alexander De Croo : Vietnam and Italy

Alexander De Croo will go as far as Vietnam. ©DLE

The Prime Minister has listened to the desires of his wife Annik and his two sons and is going to Asia this year, he tells us. “Vietnam had been on our bucket list for a long time. We enjoy it as long as the children still want to accompany us. I look forward to tasting the famous “Vietnamese street food”, discovering a new culture and spending a few days at the beach.” The family will also spend a few days with friends in northern Italy.

Petra De Sutter: South of France

Petra De Sutter will go to the south of France. ©MARIE RUSSILLO

The Deputy Prime Minister will first go to the Belgian coast before going to “Douce France”, this country that she is particularly fond of and to which she goes almost every year. The ecologist will travel to the Dordogne by car, accompanied by his wife Claire. She will then go to Auvergne, at the invitation of friends whom she will join. “It’s a very beautiful region, I was told. I can’t wait to visit it.”

Francois De Smet: La Rochelle

François De Smet will go to La Rochelle. ©Ennio Camiere

The president of DéFI is leaving with his partner and his 2 and a half year old little boy for La Rochelle. “We really like this region, on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. It mixes both history and incredible landscapes: enough to make beautiful family walks. The locals are also friendly. I’m taking Nicolas Mathieu’s book with me, “Their children following them”, on the recommendations of my partner. And if you have an “Agatha Christie” thriller to recommend to me, I’m a taker.”

Jean-Marc Nollet: the Pyrenees

Jean-Marc Nollet will go to the Pyrenees. ©BELGA/BELPRESS

A lover of wide open spaces and airy verticalities, the co-president of Écolo leaves for 10 days with his bag on his back in a place where he will not have much of a network. The Carolo will go by train to the Pyrenees. With his partner, he will do a trek in the heart of the exceptional landscapes of the Mont Perdu massif, an area where altitudes often exceed 3,000 meters. “I need nature”, declares the one whose party presents disconnection as a fundamental right.

Georges-Louis Bouchez: Italy

Without revealing his destination, Georges-Louis Bouchez evokes Italy. ©© Bernard Demoulin

The president of the MR has not yet decided at this stage, even if he praises the charms of Italy. “I don’t know if there’s a region where you don’t feel good in Italy,” he says, pointing more particularly to the Amalfi Coast, the beauty of Florence or even the welcome in Naples. As reading, it will be the biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, by Max Gallo. “A man who started out of nowhere, with a romantic career, elected by the people and whose trajectory has shaped Europe.”

Alexia Bertrand: South of France

Alexia Bertrand will go to the south of France.

The guardian of the federal budget will crisscross “like every year” the south of France. “Perhaps I’ll go for a walk in Périgord, to do a few days of hiking in the mountains”, confides the liberal Secretary of State to us. “I also want to make cultural visits with the family,” adds the Wolusan-Petrusian, who is the mother of three children.

Raoul Hedebouw : Midday of France

Raoul Hedebouw will go to the south of France. ©© Bernard Demoulin

The leader of the communists will reboost his sun capital in the South of France, near Aix-en-Provence and on the shores of the Mediterranean “with the familia”. Objective: “to be at the sea with my kids aged 3 and 6 and build sand castles”. The head of the PTB will cross France “by car, Simone”. In his suitcases, no heavy collection of Karl Marx or manual to deconstruct capitalism, but a biography of Jean-Jacques Goldman.

Hadja Lahbib: France and Spain

Hadja Lahbib will go to the south of France.

The summer holidays of 2023, “it will be holidays under the sign of friendship and family” for the Minister of Foreign Affairs. “Seeing my friends and my family, my children, that’s what I’ve missed the most this year.” The liberal will go to the south of France by train and then by car to Catalonia. “With in my bag, one of the most beautiful books I have read in recent years: “Confiteor” by Jaume Cabre which takes place in this region of Spain.”

Georges Gilkinet: Tuscany

Georges Gilkinet will go cycling in Tuscany.

The Vice-Premier will go to Tuscany, between Florence and Siena, a region he particularly appreciates for “its extraordinary landscapes”. The environmentalist plans to do a lot of walking and cycling. Resourcing presented as essential following a very busy year and before 10 months which will be very dense. In his suitcases, “The splendor and the infamy”, by Erik Larson, a book recommended by Pierre-Yves Dermagne and Vincent Van Quickenborne.

Ludivine Dedonder: the African continent

Ludivine Dedonder will go to Africa ©PRE

This summer, the Minister of Defense will visit the African continent. “It will be a family trip with my companion Paul-Olivier and our son Oscar”, reveals the Tournaisienne. “For two weeks, I intend to disconnect as much as possible, explore the great outdoors, nature and experience “encounters in unknown land”. I took with me mosquito repellent, a pair of binoculars and a few books that I still have to choose”, slips the mysterious socialist.

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