the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and South regions are preparing a joint application

2023-07-18 18:17:00

After the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024, the Winter Olympics four years later in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and in the southern region? Maybe. The two regions on which the Alps are located, and the French Olympic and Paralympic sports committees ” came together to consider » such a candidacy on behalf of France, and « joint work, involving all the relevant State services, will be carried out in the coming weeks “Said the two regions in a press release. The decision is expected in mid-September. As a reminder, France has already hosted the Winter Olympics three times, in Chamonix in 1924, in Grenoble in 1968 and in Albertville in 1992. Paris also organized the Summer Olympics in 1900 and 1924, and will host them once more next year.

“Durable ME”

« Our conviction is that (with) a duel of two French candidates, nothing would have been good “, explained to AFP the president of the AURA region Laurent Wauquiez, who wants” make the first sustainable Winter Olympics, anchored in the territories, which turn the page on gigantism “, in accordance with the new requirements of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which asks to take into account the preservation of biodiversity and the acceleration of global warming. Consequently, the use of existing infrastructures, some of which come from the Olympic Games in Albertville in 1992, is an asset.

« We can offer a new carbon-neutral Winter Olympics model as early as 2030 “, assured for his part the president of the South region Renaud Muselier, quoted in the press release.

Sweden in pole position

« We have a real window of opportunity because the IOC is waiting for a candidacy that corresponds to this new spirit that they want to instill in Olympism “, added Laurent Wauquiez. The essential reduction in organizational costs, financing through private revenue (partners, ticketing, etc.) are also part of the specifications.

Other cities have expressed their interest in organizing these Olympics. Escaped for the Winter Olympics in Milan in 2026, Sweden, which has never organized a Winter Olympics, is the favorite. Salt Lake City, a candidate known for several years and already host in 2002, is also in the running: but because of the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles in 2028, the Mormon capital now prefers 2034, while remaining available for 2030.

“We are succeeding with our strategy on the Brazilian market” (François de Canson, CRT Sud)

(With AFP)