Understanding Cholesterol: Good vs. Bad and How to Manage It

2023-07-16 12:57:32

Bad and beneficial cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy fatty substance that is found in the body and travels through the bloodstream. The body needs specific levels of cholesterol to function properly. Cholesterol is transported through the body in lipoproteins, which are soluble proteins that transport fats through the body.

What does cholesterol mean?

It is one of a group of fats and serves either as a building material for cells or as an energy source, and the liver manufactures most of the body’s cholesterol needs.

Harmful effects of eating foods containing cholesterol

Eating foods containing cholesterol in large quantities, such as red meat, increases plaque on the arterial wall, which can lead to angina, heart attack, and stroke.

Cholesterol risk group

According to the Qassim Health Assembly, high cholesterol affects middle-aged people who lead a sedentary life.

What is the difference between harmful and beneficial cholesterol?

LDL is the bad cholesterol: it increases hardening of the arteries.

Hdl is the good cholesterol that protects you from atherosclerosis and removes cholesterol from the lining of your arteries.

Cholesterol check

The Qassim Health Assembly also noted that there are no symptoms of high cholesterol in the blood, and a cholesterol test should be performed, advising that this examination be done every five years following reaching the age of 21.

Foods to avoid for cholesterol patients

And Al-Arabiya showed through a healthier platform on Twitter the foods that cholesterol patients should avoid, including:

– Baked goods and pastries because they contain a high percentage of trans fats.

Processed meat.

Canned foods.

High-sugar foods and sweets.

– Fast food.

Advice for cholesterol patients

Eat fruits, vegetables and fish.

Eat oats rich in fiber.

Avoid eating sugars and fats.

Eat watermelon and berries.

Do physical activity two hours following breakfast.

– Drinking water.

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