Hairy Tongue Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

2023-07-18 13:00:00
In this disease, it is certain papillae of our tongue that see their size multiplied by more than 15. Food residues come to stay there, hence the hairy and colored appearance. Anthony Kaczmarek 18/07/2023 15:00 4 min

The surprise of this 64 year old American living in the state of Ohio, in the United States, must have been great when he discovered while brushing his teeth one morning in front of the mirror of his bathroom his tongue all hairy, and covered with a matter of green color. A very strange disease called hairy tongue syndrome.

A suspected fungal infection

In the photo, the appearance of this American’s tongue is really unsavory, the whole looks like a green beard or even not very fresh seaweed… The doctors who treated this patient initially believed in a fungal (mushroom) infectionbut drug treatments having no effect, this idea was quickly discarded.

Eventually, it is the “hairy tongue” syndrome that was detected after several days of research. A syndrome discovered in 1557 but still very mysterious todayespecially because of the resulting colors: the tongue sometimes turns black, yellow, blue, brown or green, as in the case of this American patient.

Huge taste buds!

Doctors explain this phenomenon by the existence of oral disorders, which prevent the upper layer of the tongue from eliminating old cells. Debris from the epidermis accumulates, especially on the filiform papillaewhich cover our language: these then see their size multiplied sometimes by more than 15, hence this hairy appearance. Food residue and bacteria get lodged in it, causing color to appear more or less repugnant.

This is called the irregular desquamationet there is no treatment for it : this is why this American, who no longer has his tongue in his pocket, had to wait 6 months to find a perfectly normal tongue. A rare but benign diseasewhich can sometimes also cause bad breath, pain, dry mouth or even nausea.

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The syndrome seems to be more common in older menand doctors agree that certain risk factors exist: smoking, drinking too much alcohol, coffee and tea. In the event of the appearance of symptoms, it is therefore necessary as far as possible to limit the absorption of these aggravating elements, and above all maintain good oral hygiene: brushing your teeth and tongue is essentialup to 4 times a day for the sick.

#strange #disease #contracted #American

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