Mysterious cloud waves seen in Australian skies

2023-07-18 12:04:33

In the clouds, we sometimes recognize the shape of a dog or a lion. This time it’s like a series of mysterious cloud waves that have washed over Australia. The phenomenon has amazed and fascinated researchers.

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On Wednesday July 5, 2023, for a few hours, from the middle of the night until the end of the morning, Australia was the scene of a strange phenomenon. Mysterious waves of cloud rolled from Western Australia to the Northern Territory, over 1,000 kilometres. The medium-resolution imaging spectrometer (Modis) on board a satellite and designed to study both the biosphere and the hydrosphere or here, the atmosphere, immortalized the moment. And upon discovering its images, experts in cloud dynamics said to themselves “surprised and fascinated” for these reasons.

After analysis, they propose a explication which can be summed up in three words: gravity waves. To understand, it must be remembered that clouds appear when the moisture in the air begins to condense. If the cloud forms as a thin blanket located just at the air saturation limit and if the temperature is just right, the whole thing goes almost unnoticed until a relief element induces a disturbance. A wave that will form waves in the cloud layer.

Several different gravity waves

But this Wednesday, July 5, the conditions seem to have been met over Australia to give birth to this astonishing phenomenon. A very stable and well-stratified atmosphere, with a strong temperature inversion at the top of the boundary layer. This is what made visible the gravity waves within the largest clouds observed.

According to experts, these large clouds might also have been shaped by gravity waves. But on a much larger scale. Because gravity waves can have very different wavelengths. And can produce the sharp boundaries seen as air flows and warms in wave troughs, causing clouds to evaporate.

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