Debunking Common Myths About STDs: Understand the Truth and Stay Protected

2023-07-17 09:32:08

Many people have a fallacy, thinking that STDs are caused by unsafe sex, but a doctor reminded that STDs can also be transmitted through other channels, and pointed out 4 common myths regarding STDs.

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Urologist Dai Dingen YuFacebookHe said that many people in the outside world choose to avoid talking regarding STDs, and the result is often counterproductive. Not only have some misunderstandings and myths regarding STDs, but they may even have inappropriate behaviors due to wrong concepts, increasing the risk of STDs.

4 Common STD Myths

Sexual experience will get STDs?

In addition to unsafe sex, STDs can also be transmitted through other means. Regardless of the frequency of sex, it is important to maintain safe sex and get regular STD screening.

Can using a condom completely prevent STDs?

Condoms do not provide 100% protection, and some STDs, such as herpes virus and syphilis, may be transmitted without skin-to-skin contact; in addition, the correct use and storage of condoms is also very important, the best way is to combine Condoms and regular STD screenings to minimize the risk of STDs.

Are only vulvar infections a sign of an STD?

STDs can affect different body parts and present with a variety of symptoms. In addition to vulvar infections, STDs may also affect the urethra, anus, mouth, and other mucous membranes of the body. Some common STD symptoms include abnormal discharge, burning sensation, difficulty urinating, and pain or discomfort. However, some STDs may not have obvious symptoms symptoms, which makes regular checkups even more important.

Many people mistakenly believe that there is no effective treatment for STDs, but in fact, most STDs such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and STD are curable. Although AIDS cannot be cured, it can be effectively controlled with antiviral drugs.

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin

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