What is CEI? Learn about the Investor’s Electronic Channel

2023-07-17 13:40:16

Anyone who invests in the financial market knows that most investments go through the Brazilian Stock Exchange. However, not all investors know what is CEIthe Investor’s Electronic Channel, deactivated a few years ago.

Created in 2017, this tool was intended to help anyone to monitor their investments more closely. Today, this can be done through the B3 investor login area.

In this text, you will find out why this site was replaced by the investor area, in addition to learning how to access the new platform to check changes in your invested values.

Anyone who has invested in the Stock Exchange for some time must have already heard regarding what CIS is. The Investor’s Electronic Channel was a site gratuito da B3discontinued in June 2021 – and, therefore, new investors may not know regarding the service.

He was replaced by Investor Logged In Areaa platform that has the same objective as the CEI: rgather in one place information on financial investments made by a CPF.

By accessing the investor’s logged-in area, it is possible to check all of his investments, regardless of the broker used to make these investments.

Today, the platform shows application data such as:

  • Actions;
  • Stock options;
  • index funds (ETFs);
  • Brazilian Depositary Receipts (BDRs), shares of foreign companies sold in Brazil;
  • Real estate funds (FIIs);
  • Bank Deposit Certificates (CDBs);
  • Real Estate Credit Letters (LCIs);
  • Agricultural Letters of Credit (LCAs).

The platform also allows investors to find out regarding dividends and Interest on Equity to be received, confirm loan and asset operations and access transactions at B3.

Like the CEI, the new B3 login area organizes official information regarding activities related to assets controlled by an investor. If an operation cannot be located on the platform, it has not been processed by the Stock Exchange.

Thus, the investor’s logged-in area provides in a simple and protected way the important data for your applicationsbeing an essential tool for anyone who operates in the financial market.

In summary, the main features of the platform are:

  • Group investments made in different brokerage houses and financial institutions, facilitating the crossing of data and comparisons of results;
  • Assist in the control of the investment portfolio;
  • Officially certify the applications and transactions made at B3;
  • Provide reports on extracts and bulletins from B3.

To use the new B3 investor login area, just access the official page of the platform and inform your CPF or CNPJif the investments you are looking for were made by a legal entity.

If this is your first visit, you will need to follow the steps on the screen to register your first password, which will need to be verified using your email or an SMS sent to your phone.

If you already had an account on the former Investor Electronic Channel, a new password must also be set up from your CPF, with verification by SMS or email.

Every time you decide to access B3’s investor area, it will be necessary, in addition to the password, insert an access token sent to your email. This six-digit code is valid for 10 minutes and serves to increase the security of the service, preventing someone else from accessing your data improperly.

Once inside the investor’s area, it is possible to access different menus, including investments, extracts and information, earnings and even an Income Tax calculator.

In addition, you can also configure the sending periodic extracts of your applications to the e-mail, separated by broker or financial institution. Isn’t it a beauty?

B3 emerged in 2017 as a result of the merger between the Central for the Custody and Financial Settlement of Securities (Cetip) and BM&FBovespa. Since then, the company has been responsible for registering all investments made in the country.

Thus, B3 gathers all the information regarding its investments. Much of this data is available in the investor area, such as:

  • Daily balance and monthly statement of custody of assets;
  • Asset trading statement;
  • Income and reimbursement reports;
  • Balance not Futures Market;
  • Balance on the Forward Market;
  • Balance on the Options Market;
  • Balance of assets deposited to guarantee positions;
  • Balance of Public Securities;
  • Transfer notices;
  • Movement notices.

In June 2021, B3 announced the replacement of its former Investor Electronic Channel (CEI) with the new investor login area. In addition to the name change, the new platform brought other features for individual investorssuch as viewing detailed product data such as ETF, stocks, CDB, LCI, LCA, among others.

The new logged-in area also improved a series of APIs, platforms that allow the B3 system to talk to other applications, such as those developed by brokerage houses and banks.

Thus, the level of security of information sent by B3 to financial institutions has also increased, making life easier for those who invest.

Read too:

ISE B3: learn regarding the sustainability index

Passive income in investments: where to invest to live on income?

Ibovespa: what is it and what is it for?

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