4th district: Rainergasse – street renovation and greening measures | PID press

2023-07-17 15:45:17

Vienna (OTS) On Wednesday, July 19, 2023, the City of Vienna – Road Administration and Road Construction will start road rehabilitation work on Rainergasse in the section between Johann-Strauß-Gasse and Schönburgstrasse in the 4th district. At the same time, construction measures to adapt to climate change and to increase the quality of stay are implemented.


In the Rainergasse between Johann-Strauß-Gasse and Schönburgstraße, road renovation work is being carried out due to damage over time and the necessary renewal of the traffic lights. In the course of the construction project, greening measures will be implemented to provide more shade and cooling in the densely built-up area. A total of three trees and two standard shrubs will be planted and new green areas created. For more safety and comfort for pedestrians, sidewalk extensions will be built at the Rainergasse/Johann-Strauß-Gasse and Rainergasse/Schönburgstraße intersections. In addition, a new bench will be set up and an existing fire hydrant will be converted into a drinking hydrant.

traffic measures

The construction work will take place during the day. In July and August, construction takes place at the intersection of Rainergasse and Schönburgstrasse. During this period, the Schönburgstraße from Rainergasse to Seisgasse is closed to vehicle traffic – access to approved parking spaces remains open. Bus route 13A is diverted in the direction of Skodagasse via Kolschitzkygasse, Johann-Strauß-Gasse, Rainergasse and Schönburgstraße. The “Rainergasse” stop will be temporarily moved to Johann-Strauß-Gasse in front of house number 18.

From September, construction will begin at the Rainergasse/Johann-Strauß-Gasse crossing plateau. Bus line 13A in the direction of Skodagasse is again on the main route. In the direction of the main station, the 13A will be diverted via Wiedner Hauptstrasse, Mayerhofgasse and Favoritenstrasse from September. The “Rainergasse” stop will be temporarily closed. The “Belvederegasse” stop will be temporarily relocated to Favoritenstrasse in front of house number 46. The crossing plateau Rainergasse/Johann-Strauß-Gasse and Rainergasse from Johann-Strauß-Gasse to Schönburgstraße will be closed to vehicle traffic for an expected period of three weeks – access to approved parking spaces will remain open. The adjoining streets will be run as temporary cul-de-sacs. Pedestrian traffic will remain open throughout the construction period.

  • Location of the construction site: 4th, Rainergasse between Johann-Strauß-Gasse and Schönburgstraße
  • Start of construction: July 19, 2023
  • Planned end of construction: November 30, 2023
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For more information, visit wien.gv.at/verkehr/strassen and wien.gv.at/verkehr/baustellen or on +43 1 955 59 – road and traffic information line.

Questions & contact:

Erwin Forster
City of Vienna – Road Administration and Road Construction
public relation
Phone: +43 1 4000-49811
Mobil: +43 676 8118 49811
E-Mail: erwin.forster@wien.gv.at

Silvia Aigner
City of Vienna – Road Administration and Road Construction
public relation
Phone: +43 1 4000-49812
Mobil: +43 676 8118 49812
Email: silvia.aigner@wien.gv.at

#4th #district #Rainergasse #street #renovation #greening #measures #PID #press

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