FPÖ – Schnedlitz: SPÖ-Babler wants to turn Austria into Traiskirchen 2.0 | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-07-16 14:16:31

“Thesis of the need for uncontrolled illegal immigration to combat labor shortages has been refuted”

Vienna (OTS) – “The chairman of the Social Democracy is once once more denying reality or is it proof that he doesn’t listen to the citizens of our country? Because since the SPÖ and ÖVP initiated the uncontrolled new migration of peoples in 2015, the Austrians are realizing more and more every day that their security and social prosperity was and is unabashedly sacrificed by the black-green-red-pink unity party. Because despite the announced ‘doctors’, ‘skilled workers’ and other ‘better educated than many Austrians’ who have been pouring into our country since then, there is hardly an area where there is no shortage of workers and skilled workers. This refutes the thesis that uncontrolled illegal immigration is necessary and makes sense in order to combat the labor shortage. But the Austrians can no longer be fooled anyway. In the meantime, the partly imported violence and the often lacking will to integrate of many ‘protection seekers’ are no longer concealed by a few media. Babler can therefore be sure: Together with the population, we will certainly not allow him to turn Austria into a Traiskirchen 2.0,” countered the liberal Secretary General of the NAbg today. Michael Schnedlitz on the APA interview with the SPÖ party leader Andreas Babler.

It is not surprising that the SPÖ party chairman does not currently recognize a refugee crisis. After all, he would also speak unreservedly of the SPÖ being united as never before, although “his colleagues in the Social Democracy never miss an opportunity to question him, the political line and his party leadership”. “While Babler continues to close his eyes to the refugee and migration crisis, which he also played a key role in driving, we stand on the side of the citizens. We will continue to fight tirelessly for the ‘Austrian Fortress’ so that our children, our wives and all honest Austrians can once once more feel safe, respected and valued,” concluded Schnedlitz.

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