Empowering and Supporting Older Workers: Measures for 55+ Employees to Thrive in the Workplace

2023-07-16 11:38:00

Are you part of the 55+, those famous older workers also qualified as experienced? This is the last category before pension. Keeping these “seniors” at work in good conditions is one of the main objectives that the government has set itself in its laborious attempt to raise the employment rate.

Several schemes facilitate and lighten the end of the career of older workers, such as part-time work, end-of-career time credit, or early retirement for those who no longer have the strength or the desire to go all the way to the end.

Company HR can propose measures specifically adapted to 55+ to help them stay at work in the best physical and mental conditions.

In business too, managing the age pyramid is essential. HR departments can propose measures specifically adapted to 55+ to help them stay at work in the best physical and mental conditions.

The most enduring, who remain active and motivated, can also be rewarded, for example via the pension bonus, which was presented last week, or by generous seniority bonuses offered by their boss.

Let’s take a look at the devices specifically intended for older workers.

End-of-career time credit

The end-of-career time credit allows employees from 55 years old (in certain exceptional cases, from the age of 50) to reduce their benefits, half time or 4/5th timebefore retirement.

Access to end-of-career time credit is subject to a series of conditions:

have been employed for at least 25 years have at least 24 months of seniority with the employer for whom you are submitting the time credit request have been employed during the last 24 months in the work scheme granted (full or part-time)

To benefit from the Onem allowance which partly compensates for the loss of income, it is however necessary wait until you are 60.

The net monthly allowance, for a person who worked full time, amounts to 387.17 euros (493.49 euros for a single person) for half-time and 179.84 euros (217 euros for a single person) for a 4/5th

Some companies also pay compensation, in addition from that granted by Onem”, adds Laura Couchard.

Classic part-time

Regardless of your age, you can opt for ordinary part-time. You will hit a pro rata salary of this part-time. Your group insurance premium will also be adapted Consequently. Be careful, the day you are not working will not be assimilated for your pension

Early pension

Today, it is necessary to be 63 years old and 42 years of career (60 years old with 44 years of career, 61 or 62 years old with 43 years of career) to access the early pension. Go to mypension.be to find out the earliest date on which you can take your pension and the date of your legal pension.

let’s remember that the pension is calculated on the career pro rata. Consequently, as it is necessary to have worked during 45 years to post a complete career, the worker who takes his pension following 42 years of career, will be entitled only to 42/45e of the legal pension.

A pension bonus of 22,645 euros if you work three more years

You meet the conditions for access to early retirement, but you still have the strength, the desire or the need to work?

A worker who, at 63, has already worked for 42 years and decides to continue working when he might take his early retirement will not only continue to build up pension rights, but he will also receive a pension bonus.

This bonus will be increased gradually each year, to reach 22.645 euros net following three years, announced Minister Karine Lalieux, presenting the pension reform on Monday. Any benefit for the worker, since this bonus will not be taxed.

Stopping working even earlier, is it possible?

You are free to stop working at any time, without waiting for the legal retirement age or the early retirement age. However, the consequences will have to be borne. The shorter your career, the lower your pension will be. But above all, you will have to anyway wait until you are 65 to receive your legal pension (and, if applicable, your supplementary pension). This means having strong financial reserves to meet your expenses and needs in the meantime!

Read also

What pension reform can change for you

Companies pamper their older workers

Since 2013, companies that occupy more than 20 workers must draw up an annual plan to increase the participation rate of workers aged 45 and over. “In this context, they are notably required to provide a plan of fspecific training for risk groups (including the 50+), for example on Teams, OneNote, ergonomics or stress management”, explains Laura Couchard, lawyer at Acerta.

Most of the schemes that companies provide for older workers are linked to this general framework. However, according to the specialist, “it is necessary to have a broad and comprehensive approach to each individual personbecause we don’t all have the same needs. Hence the interest of schedule individual interviews to identify potential pitfalls and difficulties, think regarding possible adaptations”, she says.



Many 50-somethings still hope to change roles or positions within their organization within the year, according to a recent Acerta survey;

This is all the more important since a recent survey by Acerta showed that career prospects within the company play a crucial role in retaining former employees. Although the prospects for (further) growth dwindle with age, 40% of 50-year-olds and 29% of over-60s still hope ( once more) to change roles or positions within their organization over the next ‘year.

“It is not necessarily necessary to make big changes. The simple fact that a person has the feeling of being able to fill a position thanks to his potential and that his individual expectations can be taken into account is also part of the possibilities of horizontal growth: allow the worker to take on other tasks that please him“, notes Olivier Stroobant Managing Director of Stepstone Belgium.

“To broaden the spectrum, ideally, these approaches must be coupled with a interview with occupational medicine, in order to take into account the health concerns and economic problems of the worker, even in the absence of specific risk concerning him,” says Laura Couchard.

The employment plan (companies >20 workers)

List (non-exhaustive) of areas of action that can be included in this plan:

The selection and hiring of new workers; The development of skills and qualifications of workers, including access to training; Career management; The possibilities of obtaining, via internal transfer, a function adapted to the evolution of the faculties and skills of the worker; The possibilities of adapting working time and working conditions; The health of the worker, the prevention and the possibility of remedying the physical and psychosocial obstacles hindering the maintenance of work; Systems of recognition skills acquired.

Seniority bonuses

Companies may offer seniority bonuses of up to one times the gross monthly salary for 25 years of careeror twice the gross monthly salary for 35 years of career.

“Celebrating seniority is also an opportunity to highlight the experience and skills of former employees who make the richness and the difference within the team. Older employees do not necessarily realize their value. They consider that they have always done ‘that’ and that it’s just normal”, argues Laura Couchard.

Celebrating seniority is also an opportunity to highlight the experience and skills of former members who make the richness and the difference within the team.

Laura Couchard

Lawyer at Acerta

Additional days off

“In some plans cafeteriathe possibility of making an exchange to obtain more leave, is proposed only from 50 years old. The same goes for additional teleworking days”, notes the Acerta lawyer.

Some sectors also grant additional days off from a given age or level of seniority.

Benefit exemptions

In the health services sector, for home help and care, exemptions from benefits linked to seniority are provided for.

Adaptation of schedules

Of the schedule arrangements can also be granted. Some workers are more productive in the morning, but one can very well imagine that older employees have favorite time slots, and agree to adapt their schedules to their own pace.

In the case of a floating schedule, the worker himself determines the start and end times of his services – and possibly his breaks – within the framework of the working hours initially planned.

“Those who wish might take advantage of the flexibility of the 4 day weekin the classic version or in the alternating week”, suggests Tulay Kasap, Team Manager – SME Legal Advice at SD Worx.

Older workers who justify a 20 years seniority in night work may ask to return permanently to a day work schedule, from 55 years old or from 50 years oldif they can claim serious medical reasons recognized by the occupational physician.

“If this change is not compatible with the activity or the functioning of the company, the worker will not be sanctioned by the ONEm and his employer will pay him an additional monthly allowance for 5 years unemployment benefits, from 176.7 euros per month“, explains Laura Couchard.

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Who is affected by the solidarity contribution on high pensions?
#sweeten #career



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