Landbauer has no federal political ambitions

2023-07-16 05:37:43

Udo Landbauer, FPÖ regional leader and regional vice president in Lower Austria, considers it “essential” that after the upcoming national elections “there can only be a two-party coalition with the FPÖ”. A three-way constellation should be prevented, he said in the APA interview. You can see what such a “in the most negative sense of the word” can do in Germany. He has no federal political ambitions, emphasized Landbauer.

In Lower Austria, the Freedom Party has been in power since March in a working agreement with the People’s Party. However, Landbauer does not see himself as a possible “connector” to the federal ÖVP after the National Council election. That’s not the point, he said to the APA. Rather, “every party must accept that the will of the voters is decisive and that there are majorities that are represented”.

The Liberals have their “clear positions”, which they will “vehemently take and defend” in the direction of the National Council elections, said Landbauer. As far as the recent attacks by the Federal ÖVP on FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl are concerned, the question arises as to which people in the People’s Party would still be at the top after the election, which is scheduled to take place in autumn 2024. “That will then also reshuffle the cards,” emphasized the blue state party chairman and Kickl deputy.

Landbauer does not want to switch to federal politics after the upcoming parliamentary elections. “We were able to take on a really exciting project in Lower Austria,” he explained. It’s incredibly fun that in a federal state where the FPÖ has never been allowed to or could have any responsibility, “you can see it how you want”, content and election promises “can really be implemented”.

According to Landbauer, the work in the state government in St. Pölten was “not at all” affected by the recent skirmishes at federal level. “We made it clear from the start that the FPÖ and ÖVP are two different parties with different approaches. We have agreed on content in a working agreement that we will push forward and work through.” There will also be different opinions and discussions in the future.

In the APA interview, the state party leader also pointed out that the FPÖ had been right in the past seven to eight years with all the main content-related criticisms. In this regard, he mentioned the “asylum tsunami” of 2015, the corona measures or the Russia sanctions associated with the Ukraine war.

The Liberals had stated that the country would not be able to cope with the wave of refugees. The corona measures had been criticized as inappropriate. No one can deny that school closures or lockdowns in general have only had negative effects. Last but not least, the FPÖ had emphasized from the beginning that the measures against Russia would drive up inflation in Austria and that it was not possible from an economic and political point of view to sanction the largest energy supplier. Farmer: “All this has happened.”

What the FPÖ has “always done” is “to take positions for which one is not praised, namely by the media and political public, but at the end of the day we were right”. The Liberals “wanted to apply a policy of common sense and reason”. If that had happened, “we would have saved a lot,” said Landbauer.

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The FPÖ country chief described those “who still think and live with common sense” as “normal thinking” people. That’s the silent majority and “a problem of our time is that we actually let the loud, screaming minority impose our lifestyle on us. That’s not my approach to sensible social policy,” said Landbauer.

As the head of the department, the state deputy stated that there would be no 100 km/h on motorways, a “pure driver harassment” with him. The same definitely applies to legalizing cannabis. Landbauer’s statement on the 32-hour week with full wage compensation is also clear: “Anyone who believes that this will work is delusional. In terms of real politics, real economic policy, it won’t work.”

It was “somewhat funny” to see what problems other parties, especially the SPÖ, were dealing with and what methods they would use. Landbauer said in this regard a recently published survey, according to which the Freedom Party had overtaken the ÖVP in the state. He does not compete “to win polls, but to win elections,” which he managed to do in Lower Austria at the end of January. His current mood test is the encouragement of the compatriots at events, according to the state deputy.

Critics, “whom we heard” at the beginning of the ÖVP-FPÖ cooperation, he answered “nothing”, said Landbauer to the APA. He comes back to the “loud minority”, “a few artists who are artificially upset about free government participation, I can’t convince them because they don’t want to be convinced by meaningful work. It’s important to me that we convince the voters are in the Word.”

The gender decree for the state service is “planned for early August,” says Landbauer. The tavern bonus will come “towards autumn”.

The FPÖ state party leader emphasized that there was “very professional cooperation” with the ÖVP team in the Lower Austrian country house. It had “really gone a lot further”. That would not be “possible if you were constantly trying to face the Haxl, as is the case at the federal level under black and green”.

Landbauer commented on the proportional representation system that he was “convinced that it is the most sensible form of government for a federal state in terms of democratic policy, because everyone is involved accordingly”. The Liberals were “always opposed” to abolishing proportional representation and would continue to be so in the future.

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