FPÖ – Hafenecker: Gewessler “guest in the journal” and out of place | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-07-15 12:59:30

ORF interviewer a green ally when it comes to driver bashing?

Vienna (OTS) – As part of the Ö1 series “Im Journal zu Gast” the Green climate protection minister Gewessler was able to present her previous harassment and the other planned attacks on the purses of Austrians under the guise of climate protection. FPÖ media spokesman and Secretary General NAbg. Christian Hafenecker: “Anyone who listened to the interview realized that Ms. Gewessler was absolutely the wrong choice. She came into this post as a Global 2000 activist and has pushed her agenda hard. She has pigeonholed important road construction projects and done everything to annoy drivers. And now she is also pleased that the EU Parliament passed the renaturation law, even though this endangers food security in Europe and farmers are threatened with expropriation because agricultural land is to be reduced by twenty percent.”

Gewessler was also pleased with the news that, according to calculations by the Federal Environment Agency, CO2 emissions in Austria had fallen by six percent in the previous year. “To be happy that the Austrians had to freeze because of the horrendous prices for electricity and gas in the previous year, because they often simply mightn’t afford to heat their homes, is cynical and stands for the politics of the Greens. They subordinate everything to climate protection – without reason and consideration for compatriots who get under the wheels with this climate communism,” Hafenecker pointed out.

In the “Feel Good” interview with the Green Minister, the ORF interviewer also caused a stir when she claimed that the CO2 price was too low. FPÖ media spokesman NAbg. Christian Hafenecker: “Say that to the many Austrians who despair at the petrol pump because – also thanks to the CO2 tax – they can hardly afford to fill up their car anymore. Such a statement is not appropriate for a public broadcaster journalist in an interview.”

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